[L2Ork-dev] how to inteligent patch in Purr Data? (was Re: atomic multi-step undo and pd vanilla)
Jonathan Wilkes
jon.w.wilkes at gmail.com
Sun Jun 21 00:19:24 EDT 2020
On Sat, Jun 20, 2020 at 11:42 PM Alexandre Torres Porres
<porres at gmail.com> wrote:
> Em sáb., 20 de jun. de 2020 às 22:48, Ivica Bukvic <ico at vt.edu> escreveu:
>> Not sure what you mean by "it" "going away? Intelligent patching is still here in Purr-Data as it always was ever since it was first implemented.
> Then I'm just confused, and please understand and forgive my confusion.
> I don't know where the information on how to use it is. And it has to be different than in Pd Vanilla, as I'm just not getting the same results. Also, I remember discussions for that in Vanilla, and I pinched ideas from the recently released Max 8 at the time, and there was some brainstorming and the designed has also changed. So, to the very least, they might be different in Vanilla and Purr. Even because, honestly, I'm not getting any intelligent patching in Purr Data by using things like "shift" and "control+k" or anything else. So when you said it was there for 1.x, I thought /assumed it didn't make it to 2.x somehow.
> Here's another thing. I said I remember these in Pd-l2ork cause I believe I saw demo examples on youtube or something. I also remember one example that I really liked that could encapsulate a patch selection into a subpatch. But at some point I tried looking for it and never found it again. I think this was in here: https://www.youtube.com/user/jonwwilkes ??? But if it was, it's not there anymore... so I thought it went away for some reason. Am I missing other youtube videos that never went away?
> Anyway, since this is all still there, where can I learn how to use it? Is it documented somewhere in Purr? Not only the so called intelligent patching, but also that encapsulation trick.
For intelligent patching, see the end of the control tutorials in the
search browser.
In the future, please don't post sprawling digressions like this. You
certainly know Pd's documentation well enough
to do your due diligence and look in the usual places before posting
here. Instead, we're now having to devote time to correcting
misapprehensions that one minute of search the docs or Google would
have cleared up for you.
> thanks
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