[L2Ork-dev] Ad hoc parsers in Purr Data
Alexandre Torres Porres
porres at gmail.com
Sat Mar 24 03:49:15 EDT 2018
2018-03-24 2:15 GMT-03:00 Albert Graef <aggraef at gmail.com>:
> Also, you left IOhannes' remark on the Pd mailing list unanswered:
> > before you start doing that, please detail your plan on how to not break
> > all patches that rely on "#<number> from being expanded to "$<number>"
If you follow that thread closely, you'll see Ico jumping in saying "we
fixed that in pd-l2ork", and me saying "what about this thing IOhannes
said?", then Ico saying "Oh, I think that's fine". And then, right after I
brought IOhannes' remark here on this thread, as a follow up to that, I
simply stated I couldn't get the problem at all.
So yeah, I'm aware of potential concerns and I'm not ignoring them, I'm
gladly raising them up. And as far as unanswered questions go, I've asked a
couple of times here for a practical example where this should be of any
concern indeed (and as a response to that). Not that I'm saying/implying
there shouldn't be any concern, I'm only trying to say I can't see it. And
I don't even want to debate if it is a big deal, doable or not, I'm just
curious as I simply just don't understand it.
All I know is that I think it'd be cool if I put some "#" characters in a
label, such as "C#1", by typing it in or sending a symbol to it, and that's
the same thing that comes up as the label or send/receive symbol...
Sure, I could be missing something else, but what?
I also mentioned twice here that Pd-l2ork already has a different behaviour
for "#" characters in general. This is only a special case of "#" followed
by a number. But Pd-l2ork handles just fine other uses of "#", and you can
use them as send/receive symbols and also labels. Note, however, that you
cannot go into Pd Vanilla's GUI properties and do that, as "#" becomes "$".
So, how is this not yet a compatibility breakage with vanilla? And how
would this be unavoidable? Like, if I know Vanilla doesn't handle well "#"
I can make a conscious decision to not use it as send/receive symbols
inside GUIs, much like I won't use "$0" in messages if I want my patch to
run in vanilla.
Moreover, it's not like you can't create and use "#" in arguments in both
vanilla and Pd-l2ork. You can type [cnv 10 10 20 empty empty C#1 2 10 0 12
-233017 -66577 0] in an object box and get "C#1" as the label. You can then
save the patch and reopen that as long as you don't mess with the
properties, it's all fine, you can even use shortcuts to duplicate the
canvas, and the patch opens in both Vanilla/Pd-L2ork with "C#1" and all.
In fact, this is the hack I found out today as an ugly workaround, so I'm
now using dynamic patching to destroy and create the object with right
label I want. So as far as this goes, I already have a working solution if
nothing changes, but man... I'd like to know why we can't just type it in
or something.
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