[L2Ork-dev] updating cyclone

Jonathan Wilkes jancsika at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 20 15:41:16 UTC 2017

> 2017-03-18 15:36 GMT-03:00 Jonathan Wilkes <jancsika at yahoo.com>:

Why is there Purr Data-specific documentation?  Is it only because of [comment]?

> Yes, I made extensive use of [comment] throughout cyclone's documentation.
What features are added with cyclone's [comment] that cannot be achieved through normal comments and cnv labels?
It would be a lot easier to maintain and develop a single set of documents.  If font-sizing and positioning weren't so 
complex, I would go ahead and port [comment] to Purr Data just to avoid such duplication.

> So I have a separate version without any [comment] object until we fix this (that is: update comment ourselves - as there's a lot to do yet - and then make a purr data version of it).
> While we're at it, a minor change could be made to purr data's [Scope~], which is the ability to be loaded as [scope~] - this is a change we made in several objects. They still can be loaded with capital letters for backwards compatibility, but now the default is without capital letters.
I went ahead and created a bug report about aliases that will address this.  Once it is fixed the user will be able to 
load using either name.

> All [scope~] objects in cyclone's documentation is without capital letters, so they won't work without this change!
Ok.  Once I fix the aliasing issue this will work properly.

> cheers

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