[L2Ork-dev] K12 questions/issues

Dave Casey dave.casey at gmail.com
Fri Jul 21 16:47:45 UTC 2017

 1) K12 mode in Purr Data? 2) How to get wiimote working with raspberry pi?
3) Raspberry pi kernel 4.9 breaks raspberry pi analog and digital objects!
4) Animation within patch?

Inspired by a great workshop at moogfest, I signed up to run a workshop
centered around the Raspberry Pi, Lots Of Pots, and other hardware fun. *The
workshop is tomorrow.* I have most of my ducks in a row, but in the process
of tidying images up, I have hit a few issues, and have a few questions.

1) Is there K12 mode in Purr Data? For raspberry pi, K12 mode in the latest
Purr Data build (pd-l2ork-2.2.3-raspbian-armv7l.deb) does not seem to be
supported (yet). Most K12 objects seem to work, with the exception of the
raspberry pi digital and analog. (see #3)
Just so I know what to tell people, is there a roadmap for porting K12
mode? (I know, I know, you just released cyclone 7 hours ago. There is no
pleasing some people! 😃 )

2) Do you have suggestions for getting wimote to work with raspberry pi? I
am using a generic "Motion 2in1" controller, and neither the wii connect
object nor hcitool scan seem to see it. Are there additional
plugins/libraries/what-have-you that I need to install, or do I just need
to track down an official Nintendo controller?

3) Issue: Raspberry pi digital and analog are broken for kernel 4.9! For
the purposes of the workshop, I will be sticking with the 20170119 version
from http://l2ork.music.vt.edu/data/pd/pd-l2ork-armv7l-20170119.deb . In
the process of tidying up my images, I upgraded. Somewhere between
kernel 4.4.50 and 4.9.35, the rapsberry pi digital and raspberry pi analog
out objects decided they would rather crash pd-l2ork than do what they used
to do so beautifully before I foolishly ran apt-get upgrade.

The failure mumbles something about

" - expecting BCM2708 or BCM2709. If this is a genuine Raspberry Pi then
please report this to projects at drogon.net. If this is not a Raspberry Pi
then you are on your own as wiringPi is designed to support the Raspberry

This seems to be related to:
https://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=186650&p=1178463 . For
now, I am rolling back my kernel, but this is a heads up for folks using
LOP hats. Purr Data 2.2.3 raspberry pi analog in object does not crash, but
fails with "disis_spi ... couldn't create".  I have not tested 2.2.3 on
kernel 4.4 yet. (I am running out of time, and will need to revisit that
after the workshop.) Does it look like there is something clever I could do
with/to wiringPi to fix this, or is a new build of the old codebase
required? Should I open an issue in either of the codebase repos?

4) During the moogfest workshop there was a quick demo of a sprite running
around the connections inside a patch. Ico, could you point me to an
example of that?

Thanks for all of the hard work that has gone into this. It is an amazing
set of tools, and I am looking forward to showing it off tomorrow!


Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people
always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can
become great.
 - Mark Twain
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