[L2Ork-dev] feature request: subpatch encapsulation

Ivica Ico Bukvic ico at vt.edu
Sun Feb 1 17:40:06 UTC 2015

Please see my commen

On 1/30/2015 2:02 PM, Gilberto Agostinho wrote:
> Hi Ico, hi all,
> Thanks for your reply. I understand that it is much easier to be 
> throwing ideas around (like I do) than to implement them, and I can 
> see why this particular feature would be more time consuming than a 
> simple bug correction.
> As for the bounty system, I don't have any objections about it at all, 
> but I've never felt much comfortable with it either (other projects 
> which I contribute use bounty systems). The problem for me is the 
> amount of a bounty: if you are paying someone to do a work, the 
> payment has to be worth doing it. If something takes several hours (or 
> days) to implement, it would be ridiculous to offer few money for it. 
> But on the other hand, it's a single user who is backing up this 
> feature request, and so what I found is that unless an user _really_ 
> needs a feature then usually he or she does not proposes bounties at 
> all. And these few bounties that I came across for this type of 
> project were relatively high (at least for me as a student). So in the 
> end I'd much rather donate something that I can spare without being 
> concerned if that's too few than to offer an embarrassing bounty for 
> this or that feature.

Good points. I would, however, like to point that any bounty is better 
than no bounty, and as such I think even ridiculously small 
contributions would go a long way towards making things better.

> As for Kickstarter, that could work out really well. There are a lot 
> of Pure Data users around the world, and 99% of them agree that pd 
> vanilla and extended are missing important things, particularly when 
> it comes to the GUI (exactly what l2Ork is addressing the best). For 
> the average user (myself included), the GUI makes a really important 
> part of the whole experience and workflow, and no matter how many 
> times you tell them that you can do this or that in Pd as well as in 
> Max MSP, they _feel_ that Max can do more, is better, etc. But I 
> believe that for a Kickstarter campaign to work out, it would be quite 
> important to be able to offer Pd-l2Ork for Windows and Mac as well in 
> order to attract more users (and more financial backing).

Interesting. So, if we were to promise cross-platform support as part of 
the Kickstarter and a compelling list of new features, perhaps this 
might be the right approach?



> These are just ideas from the top of my head and I hope you'll 
> understand my opinions.
> Take care,
> Gilberto
> On 30/01/15 18:36, Ivica Ico Bukvic wrote:
>> Gilberto,
>> I think this is a great suggestion. It is also one that will take 
>> some time and effort. For this reason, I am thinking about opening a 
>> bounty system and soliciting donations for features like these as 
>> they are not directly related to the most pressing issues, but if 
>> there is a finanical incentive that would allow us to block off time 
>> and/or hire part-time help, then we could elevate things like these 
>> to the top of the heap.
>> Speaking of which, how would community feel about something like 
>> bounty system if that would move us forward faster in terms of 
>> development? Alternately, how about a kickstarter or an indiegogo 
>> project?
>> Best,
>> Ico
>> On 1/29/2015 7:48 PM, Gilberto Agostinho wrote:
>>> Hello all,
>>> I would like to ask you if you'd consider implementing a feature 
>>> similar to Max MSP's encapsulation. Basically, if you select some 
>>> objects in a patch and then use the encapsulation shortcut (if 
>>> memory serves me right, in Max it used to be Ctrl+Shift+E), then 
>>> they will be replaced by a single subpatch. To explain better, here 
>>> is a video that I edited showing the desired feature in Pd-l2Ork: 
>>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1RqOYPK9XPM
>>> This can be a very handy feature: usually when patching people 
>>> starts with something very simple and if (or rather /when/) things 
>>> start to get complicated, they have to use a lot of copy and paste 
>>> to create subpatches manually, memorize where the connections where, 
>>> create inlets and outlets manually, etc. This feature would become 
>>> very handy in these situations.
>>> Would you consider this to be feasible in Pd-l2Ork?
>>> Thanks a lot and take care,
>>> Gilberto
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>>> L2Ork-dev at disis.music.vt.edu
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>> -- 
>> Ivica Ico Bukvic, D.M.A.
>> Associate Professor
>> Computer Music
>> ICAT Senior Fellow
>> DISIS, L2Ork
>> Virginia Tech
>> School of Performing Arts – 0141
>> Blacksburg, VA 24061
>> (540) 231-6139
>> ico at vt.edu
>> www.performingarts.vt.edu
>> disis.music.vt.edu
>> l2ork.music.vt.edu
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>> L2Ork-dev mailing list
>> L2Ork-dev at disis.music.vt.edu
>> http://disis.music.vt.edu/listinfo/l2ork-dev
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> L2Ork-dev mailing list
> L2Ork-dev at disis.music.vt.edu
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Ivica Ico Bukvic, D.M.A.
Associate Professor
Computer Music
ICAT Senior Fellow
Virginia Tech
School of Performing Arts – 0141
Blacksburg, VA 24061
(540) 231-6139
ico at vt.edu

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