[L2Ork-dev] compatibility issues between pd-l2ork and pd-vanilla
xavier manzanares
freequencies at gmail.com
Tue Jun 20 08:38:32 EDT 2023
Hi everyone,
I have a question related to the compatibility between pd-l2ork and pd.
I am teaching at university (Barcelona context), different courses related
with generative/algorythmic music and therefore i'd need to have my pd
toolkits* as stable as possible, also in order to fit several OSs.
*You can see both examples here :
As far as i know, when you program in pd-l2ork, (that frankly is a much
improved way to program in Pd due to the js Gui implementation), and then
you open it in Pd vanilla, the patch is partially distroyed. I attach a
screenshot with an example of the same patch opened both in pd-l2ork and
Questions here appear :
Why this happens?
Is there a method or trick to avoid it and get always a robust
The reason i want the most compatibility as possible, responses to several
years of developing with this language, related to research & academic
issues, but also in the High potential of Pd in embed systems (Raspberry
stand alone musical applications), audio engines for game design (libpd &
unity etc), and other newmedia projects or even in the modular synths
constellation (like programmable modular synths such as Befaco's Lich or
Any answer of those questions will be useful )
Xavi Manzanares
details of the screenshot :
OS : Linux Mint 21.1**
Pd version 0.52.1
Pd-l2ork-2.16.0 20230415-rev.dc26e65f
**note i detected the problem described before, not only in linux, but in
MacOS (mac Intel) and Windows.
[image: SamePatchwithVanillaandL2ork.png]
Xavier Manzanares
[0034] 659 243 481
Recerca / Arts Electròniques
http://xavimanzanares.oneshaptiques.space/ <http://noconventions.mobi/daax>
http://oneshaptiques.space/ <http://noconventions.mobi/oneshaptiques>
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