[L2Ork-dev] arrayviewlist?
Marc Lavallée
marc at hacklava.net
Thu Jan 19 14:13:18 EST 2023
Thanks Albert. Ico answered too.
I'm no familiar with Deken, I see it's a kind of package manager... I
remember now, but I never used it. Things improved!
Actually, I don't even need Deken; I realized there's a
multimedia-puredata meta-package in Ubuntu; I installed it, added a few
symlinks, and everything is now working, even the external compiled 11
years ago.
I'm all set, thanks!
(Please excuse my useless noise to all experienced users on the list)
Le 2023-01-19 à 13 h 24, Albert Graef a écrit :
> If I'm not mistaken the list view for array objects was never
> implemented in Purr Data, so the 'arrayviewclose' and
> 'arrayviewlistnew' messages aren't supported either. Not sure about
> DISIS Pd-l2ork, Ico should be able to answer that. Vanilla has the
> list view and those messages, so if you don't need any special
> externals or can get them from Deken, then that might be your best bet.
> Albert
> On Thu, Jan 19, 2023 at 5:32 PM Marc Lavallée <marc at hacklava.net> wrote:
> Hi Pd-L2Ork experts.
> My message may not be appropriate for l2ork-dev, so please let me
> know.
> Context:
> I'm trying to revive an old PD patch (not authored be me) from 2011.
> I used PD and Pd-Extended in a distant past, so I'm trying
> Pd-L2Ork as a
> replacement.
> The patches I'm trying to use are complaining:
> error: array: no method for 'arrayviewclose'
> error: array: no method for 'arrayviewlistnew'
> Excerpt from an archived message from Jonathan Wilkes:
> https://lists.puredata.info/pipermail/pd-list/2016-01/112734.html
> "I gutted all the arrayviewlist functionality for the GUI port of
> Pd-l2ork."
> Question:
> Should I leave, replace or delete the 'arrayviewclose' and
> 'arrayviewlistnew' messages?
> Thanks for your attention and help.
> Marc
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> --
> Dr. Albert Gr"af
> Computer Music Research Group, JGU Mainz, Germany
> Email: aggraef at gmail.com, web: https://agraef.github.io/
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