[L2Ork-dev] side-quest: enforce 80-character line-width on README.md

Jonathan Wilkes jon.w.wilkes at gmail.com
Sat Apr 10 14:20:35 EDT 2021

Hi list,

Can someone figure out for me how to make an automated markdown linter
in Gitlab that enforces an 80-character line-width rule for README.md
(and all other *.md for that matter)?

I just pushed changes to the README.md that get it back to the
80-character line-width requirement that I want to enforce.

People make changes to that README.md with long paragraphs, as if they
are writing an email like this one and just letting the editor auto
wrap the lines.

The problem with that is when someone makes a simple diff-- like
changing "foobar" to "foo-bar", the diff will show the *entire*
paragraph. Then I must fish around to figure out what exactly the
change was in that sea of text.

Anyway, I want Gitlab to bark at people when they exceed that limit.


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