[L2Ork-dev] MacOS: error opening audio: Unanticipated host error

Leslie, Grace grace.leslie at gatech.edu
Wed Oct 21 09:16:45 EDT 2020

Dear list,

We are currently using Purr-data in our undergraduate Audio Tech course. One of my students suddenly received an error upon startup after successfully using the software for several weeks: “error opening audio: Unanticipated host error”

They are using a recent MacBook Pro running MacOS 10.15.7, no other audio interfaces are being used with this computer, except for a driver for our video conferencing software. We tried installing previous versions of Purr-data as well as Pd-vanilla, all receiving the same error. The Mac Audio Devices dialog looks typical error opening audio: Unanticipated host error and matches the information in the Pd Audio Preferences panel. Forums seem to suggest this is a PortAudio error common to Audacity and other open source audio software running on Linux based systems. I’m checking in here to see if anyone has any theories or suggestions for things to try. All suggestions are welcome, and thank you in advance for your help—I’d just like for my student to be able to finish their assignments!

Best Wishes,


Grace Leslie
Assistant Professor
School of Music
Georgia Institute of Technology
840 McMillan St NW
Atlanta, GA 30332

(404) 894-2572
Email: grace.leslie at gatech.edu<mailto:grace.leslie at gatech.edu>
Skype: graceleslie
Google Hangout: grace.leslie at gmail.com<mailto:grace.leslie at gmail.com>


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