[L2Ork-dev] CI build times

Albert Graef aggraef at gmail.com
Tue Oct 20 23:18:49 EDT 2020

No, that build log is much too short. Maybe you haven't checked out the
submodules? (See "Skipping Git submodules setup" in the log.)

In any case, the GEM_MAKEFLAGS option isn't to blame for that, I'm using
that every time for Windows builds on my NUC, it works.


On Tue, Oct 20, 2020 at 9:27 PM Jonathan Wilkes <jon.w.wilkes at gmail.com>

> On Thu, Jul 30, 2020 at 1:13 PM Albert Graef <aggraef at gmail.com> wrote:
> > One thing that works really well, though, is building Gem in parallel
> which reduces build times dramatically.
> > This is in the current build system, you can trigger it by invoking
> `make` in the toplevel source directory like
> > so:
> > make GEM_MAKEFLAGS=-j8
> Even on my nuc with only 2 cores, setting "-j2" cuts the build time in
> half.
> Albert-- I'm suspicious whether it's even building Gem:
> https://git.purrdata.net/jwilkes/purr-data/-/jobs/22545/raw
> Where's the log of that slow, plodding libtool compilation that
> usually looks like this:
> make[6]: Entering directory
> '/home/user/builds/jwilkes/purr-data/Gem/src/Controls'
>   CXX      libControls_la-gemframebuffer.lo
>   CXX      libControls_la-gemcubeframebuffer.lo
>   CXX      libControls_la-gemhead.lo
> Also, I see this make message:
> make[6]: Entering directory '/builds/jwilkes/purr-data/Gem/src/Controls'
> UNUSED SOURCES in .: libControls_la-gemhead.o
> libControls_la-gemcubeframebuffer.o libControls_la-gemlist_info.o
> libControls_la-gemlist_matrix.o libControls_la-gemmanager.o
> libControls_la-gemreceive.o libControls_la-gemframebuffer.o
> libControls_la-render_trigger.o libControls_la-gemlist.o
> libControls_la-modelfiler.o
> Unfortunately, I can't be sure because Gem isn't hooked up to the
> external creation tests yet.
> Anyhow, are you seeing build times cut in half by this optimization?
> -Jonathan
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Dr. Albert Gr"af
Computer Music Research Group, JGU Mainz, Germany
Email: aggraef at gmail.com, web: https://agraef.github.io/
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