[L2Ork-dev] Bug that I can't simplify...

Mario Sottile - Marionetas Mey mariomey at gmail.com
Tue Oct 13 20:52:26 EDT 2020

>     /eval([read [open
>     {/home/mario/pd-externals/moonlib/image.tcl}]]\ngui_post "tried
>     /media/ssd-120gb/videoconfestejo/pd-patch/red.png and succeeded\n");//
>     //                 ^/
> What is in /home/mario/pd-externals? If you have Pd Vanilla externals 
> in there they won't work with Purr Data.

Ok, in pd-externals I had some externals that I used to use with 
Vanilla, before starting using PUrr. But the test I did was with 
moonlib, that it was another version. It was just a test, I promise I'll 
never use it again ;)

> After further testing this looks like you are indeed mixing vanilla 
> and non-vanilla externals. I am unable to reproduce any of the 
> problems you are experiencing.
As I said above, that mix was because a test of using moonlib library. 
And, as I told you before, it's difficult to reproduce this bug. Now, 
it's running ok /:shrugs:./
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