[L2Ork-dev] Purr Data 2.15.0
Ivica Bukvic
ico at vt.edu
Sun Oct 4 18:55:52 EDT 2020
Nice! Thanks for sharing the news post, Albert.
Ivica Ico Bukvic, D.M.A.
Director, Creativity + Innovation
Institute for Creativity, Arts, and Technology
Virginia Tech
Creative Technologies in Music
School of Performing Arts – 0141
Blacksburg, VA 24061
(540) 231-6139
ico at vt.edu
On Sun, Oct 4, 2020, 18:52 Albert Graef <aggraef at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 4, 2020 at 11:42 PM Linux ROUEN Normandie <linux.rouen at free.fr>
> wrote:
>> Under Linux I never had BSOD but under Windows, even with the latest W10
>> v2004, it's just an old friend of mine since W3.1! LOL
> Yep, those BSODs used to be almost everywhere, also on vending and teller
> machines here in Germany. ;-) But personally, I still have to see one after
> switching to Windows 10. While I feel much more at home on Linux, I think
> that Windows 10 is actually a pretty decent system. It's a bit clunky and
> slow in some places, and then there's that horrible new telemetry stuff,
> but apart from that it's pretty usable IMHO.
> Still, it could be a lot better, given how much money MS pours into it.
> Well, if ESR is right then Windows will soon become a thin veil on Linux
> anyway (
> https://linux.slashdot.org/story/20/09/27/193250/eric-s-raymond-is-microsoft-switching-to-a-linux-kernel-that-emulates-windows).
> At which point I might even be tempted to run it for something else than
> building and testing Windows ports of Linux software. ;-)
> Albert
>> When using Purr Data and my PC is totally freezing under Linux, my
>> computer screen is still correctly displaying what it was doing. Even after
>> ten minutes of total freeze I'm still and just able to move my mouse cursor
>> but its clicks are inactive awa my keyboard. Moving my mouse over the icons
>> of the System Dashboard normally displays information but in freeze state
>> nothing at all. During addition tests, if other Audio and/or Video
>> applications were running before total freeze, even if my PC became
>> unresponsive these applications continue to run well (so neither Audio nor
>> Video freeze). The only way I have for taking back the control of my PC is
>> to force the shutdown of my computer with its On/Off button and I'm get
>> nothing visible before closing.
>> So, as I wrote one hour ago, one of the possibility is to record on disk
>> the system activities to try to find out what could happen but this will
>> depend of what was record just before the total freeze... Wait and see...
>> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
>> Best, Joseph Gastelais
>> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
>> Le 04/10/2020 à 20:14, Ivica Bukvic a écrit :
>> To add to Albert's thorough email, I wonder if video acceleration in the
>> chromium versions nw.js may be relying on may have something to do with
>> this. Namely, I wonder if it invokes something incorrectly and/or the video
>> driver is not handling such calls appropriately. If you get a blue screen
>> dump before the computer reboots, it may be helpful to share that. The same
>> may be also added to your system event log.
>> Best,
>> Ico
>> --
>> Ivica Ico Bukvic, D.M.A.
>> Director, Creativity + Innovation
>> Institute for Creativity, Arts, and Technology
>> Virginia Tech
>> Creative Technologies in Music
>> School of Performing Arts – 0141
>> Blacksburg, VA 24061
>> (540) 231-6139
>> ico at vt.edu
>> www.icat.vt.edu
>> www.performingarts.vt.edu
>> l2ork.icat.vt.edu
>> ico.bukvic.net
>> On Sun, Oct 4, 2020, 07:50 Albert Graef <aggraef at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Joseph,
>>> there's a Windows package with Ico's fix here:
>>> https://git.purrdata.net/jwilkes/purr-data/-/jobs/22210
>>> A new release including this and a few other fixes will hopefully be out
>>> sometime next week.
>>> Also, I'm currently testing an update to nw.js 0.28.1 (which fixes
>>> issues with the floating dialogs for some graphics cards under Windows). I
>>> doubt that this will cure your performance issues under Linux, but you
>>> never know until you've tried. ;-) If you want to give it a go, this is now
>>> available in the OBS preview channel; the Ubuntu 20.04 package is at:
>>> https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/aggraef:/purr-data-git/xUbuntu_20.04/amd64/purr-data_2.15.0+git4683+bf8ba131-1_amd64.deb
>>> I do need to find *a reproducible test procedure* which could record
>>>> what is going wrong when both Purr Data and my PC are totally freezing.
>>> If your *entire system* is freezing and not just Purr Data, I'm
>>> beginning to wonder whether some hardware issue or some runaway process
>>> might be the root cause. It could be a faulty hardware component (RAM,
>>> harddisk, soundcard, usb peripherals, ...), or some driver misbehaving for
>>> old components that aren't properly supported any longer. That rarely
>>> happens in Linux, though, and in that case you'd probably see it with other
>>> demanding applications, too.
>>> Anyway, as you rightfully remarked, the first step in diagnosing such a
>>> problem would be to identify characteristics of situations in which these
>>> hiccups occur, such as heavy disk/usb/network/audio/graphics operations, or
>>> abnormally high CPU or RAM usage, and which applications and background
>>> jobs are running at the time. A monitoring program like htop should help to
>>> identify these, but you surely know this already. The venerable gkrellm (
>>> http://gkrellm.srcbox.net/) is another monitoring tool that I find so
>>> indispensable for checking system health a glance, that I use it not only
>>> on Linux, but on all of my Windows boxes, too. (Unfortunately, gkrellm
>>> hasn't been ported to macOS, as far as I know. But there's a similar
>>> open-source tool named XRG there, see
>>> https://gaucho.software/Products/XRG/.)
>>> In particular, some desktop environments have integrated file indexing
>>> facilities which are notorious for sucking up system resources, especially
>>> on older and slower hardware. Some of these can be disabled easily, while
>>> others keep coming back like the undead after each boot, login, or even on
>>> their own. I've even noticed this on newer hardware, that's why until very
>>> recently I sometimes had to suspend Baloo (KDE's indexer) when I'm in a
>>> live video session running some heavy-duty realtime apps such as Ardour,
>>> OBS Studio and Jitsi Meet at the same time (Purr is usually the lightest
>>> among these...). On older hardware, these may well bring your system down
>>> to its knees.
>>> Have a nice Sunday,
>>> Albert
>>> On Sun, Oct 4, 2020 at 12:02 PM Linux ROUEN Normandie <
>>> linux.rouen at free.fr> wrote:
>>>> @Ico,
>>>> Great! Thanks for your Windows fix.
>>>> - - - - - - - - - - - -
>>>> Joseph Gastelais
>>>> - - - - - - - - - - - -
>>>> Le 03/10/2020 à 19:31, Ivica Bukvic a écrit :
>>>> The window size is already fixed in the new merge request. The problem
>>>> was Windows up until now used nw.js 0.14.7 which had a bug in respect to
>>>> the window size. I did a patch to compensate for that. Now that needs to be
>>>> removed since Windows has migrated to 0.24.4. That should be included in
>>>> the next release since the merge request is already green. Hope this helps.
>>>> Best,
>>>> Ico
>>>> --
>>>> Ivica Ico Bukvic, D.M.A.
>>>> Director, Creativity + Innovation
>>>> Institute for Creativity, Arts, and Technology
>>>> Virginia Tech
>>>> Creative Technologies in Music
>>>> School of Performing Arts – 0141
>>>> Blacksburg, VA 24061
>>>> (540) 231-6139
>>>> ico at vt.edu
>>>> www.icat.vt.edu
>>>> www.performingarts.vt.edu
>>>> l2ork.icat.vt.edu
>>>> ico.bukvic.net
>>>> On Sat, Oct 3, 2020, 13:19 Linux ROUEN Normandie <linux.rouen at free.fr>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hello Albert,
>>>>> Thanks for your comments.
>>>>> 1. Zoom level
>>>>> After additional new tests, I discovered *my Mistake* :-( as under
>>>>> GNU/Linux I'm using a screen scale of x1 and under Windows a screen scale
>>>>> of x1.25! Windows with a screen scale of x1 gives almost the same results
>>>>> than under the Linuxes. :-)
>>>>> 2. But there are still some visible differences between Linux and
>>>>> Windows graphics rendering. See the 3 attached files for the Control Panel
>>>>> of my SMS project awa for the windows of Canvas Help and Canvas Properties.
>>>>> Under both OSs I'm using a screen resolution of 1920x1080, and now a screen
>>>>> scale of x1.
>>>>> 3. Random freezes under GNU/Linux
>>>>> I do need to find *a reproducible test procedure* which could record
>>>>> what is going wrong when both Purr Data and my PC are totally freezing. As
>>>>> it's on a random basis, it can really occur for what ever I'm doing (Edit
>>>>> Mode). So, for the time being I'm dry.
>>>>> If anyone has any clever idea, you are the welcome.
>>>>> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
>>>>> Best, Joseph Gastelais
>>>>> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
>>>>> Le 03/10/2020 à 08:21, Albert Graef a écrit :
>>>>> Hi Joseph,
>>>>> thanks for the feedback, but I'm afraid that I can't reproduce any of
>>>>> these issues on my side. :(
>>>>> - Default zoom levels on Windows (10) are *exactly* the same as on
>>>>> Linux and Mac for me. Note that otherwise all the help patches would be
>>>>> completely out of whack, and they look fine to me. Well, there are some
>>>>> minor imperfections due to old Windows code special-casing for nw.js
>>>>> 0.14.7, but I think that Ico already has a fix ready for that which will be
>>>>> in the next release. If that is not what you see, then maybe (this is just
>>>>> a wild guess) it's a specific patch and you have zoom save/restore enabled
>>>>> in the GUI prefs? If it's not one of those things, please post a screenshot
>>>>> of a minimal sample (preferably one of the help patches shipping with Purr)
>>>>> which seems out of whack to you.
>>>>> - We've already discussed your issues with Purr occasionally freezing
>>>>> off-list, but as I said, I can't reproduce this on any of my Linux boxes
>>>>> either. So if anyone seems to have similar issues, please report them so
>>>>> that we can begin tracking down the issue. Joseph, I understand that this
>>>>> is frustrating, but the hard reality is that we can't fix bugs that we
>>>>> can't reproduce. :( As soon as we can reproduce them, we can probably
>>>>> identify the issue and fix it. But until then we'll have to wait and see
>>>>> whether someone can confirm your problems and tell us exactly how to
>>>>> reproduce these issues, or at least come up with a good explanation.
>>>>> Best,
>>>>> Albert
>>>>> On Fri, Oct 2, 2020 at 11:31 PM Linux ROUEN Normandie <
>>>>> linux.rouen at free.fr> wrote:
>>>>>> Hello All,
>>>>>> Purr Data 2.15.0 is a real great release. Thanks and congratulations
>>>>>> to all contributors. :-)
>>>>>> It was successfully installed/updated under Windows 10 v2004 (32-bit)
>>>>>> and Linux Mint 20 Cinnamon, Ubuntu Studio 20.04 Xfce and Manjaro 20.1 KDE
>>>>>> Plasma and it's working well, except few annoying bugs.
>>>>>> @Ico, [number2] objects are looking as good as under 2.14.2 last
>>>>>> preview.
>>>>>> PB-1: The graphics rendering is not the same on Windows vs all
>>>>>> GNU/Linux.
>>>>>> Under Windows when opening a project saved under Linux:
>>>>>> - the zoom level of the main patch is ~ -1 smaller,
>>>>>> - the zoom level of all sub-patches is ~ +1 bigger (and not ~ -1), and
>>>>>> - the main window size of he project seems a little bit bigger.
>>>>>> NW.js has been updated to the same 0.24.4 version than the Linux's
>>>>>> one. Is it the issue?
>>>>>> PB-2: Under Linux (where I'm mainly working), 2.15.0 has not fixed
>>>>>> yet the *random freezes* (main patch or sub-patches) from few seconds up to
>>>>>> complete freeze of the application awa the whole PC (except the visible
>>>>>> mouse cursor but its click is with no effect) just when you are doing
>>>>>> (simple) *edition tasks* (with neither MIDI nor Audio activity and
>>>>>> DSP=OFF). This is true since a little bit more than one year when I have
>>>>>> started using Purr Data (at that time 2.9.0).
>>>>>> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
>>>>>> Best, Joseph Gastelais
>>>>>> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
>>>>>> Le 01/10/2020 à 00:17, Albert Graef a écrit :
>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>> It’s time for another release with the latest bugfixes and some
>>>>>> interesting new features. Download it here (Mac/Windows):
>>>>>> https://github.com/agraef/purr-data/releases/tag/2.15.0
>>>>>> As usual, Linux packages are available from the OBS
>>>>>> <https://agraef.github.io/purr-data/#jgu-packages>. *Download
>>>>>> <https://software.opensuse.org/download/package?package=purr-data&project=home%3Aaggraef>*
>>>>>> Bugfixes
>>>>>> - Fixed Alt-Click popup issues reported by Joseph Gastelais (AG)
>>>>>> - Cosmetic fixes to declare error reporting (AG)
>>>>>> - Disable passing of key presses globally when an object grabs
>>>>>> focus via glist_grab (Ico)
>>>>>> - Fixed asynchronous getscroll and activate regression (Ico)
>>>>>> - Fixed openpanel unable to open a custom path on Windows (Ico)
>>>>>> - Disabled excessive coll legacy call warnings (Ico)
>>>>>> New features
>>>>>> - Improvements to iemgui numbox (drawstyle, font sizing and
>>>>>> dialog) (Ico)
>>>>>> *Note:* The new numbox drawing style will change the numbox size
>>>>>> on existing patches.
>>>>>> - Private abstractions (Guillem, GSoC 2020)
>>>>>> Please check the [ab] help patch and the corresponding section in
>>>>>> the “Cat” tutorial
>>>>>> <https://agraef.github.io/purr-data-intro/Purr-Data-Intro.html#subpatch-and-abstraction-features>
>>>>>> !
>>>>>> Enjoy! :)
>>>>>> Albert
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Dr. Albert Gr"af
>>>>>> Computer Music Research Group, JGU Mainz, Germany
>>>>>> Email: aggraef at gmail.com, web: https://agraef.github.io/
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>>>>> --
>>>>> Dr. Albert Gr"af
>>>>> Computer Music Research Group, JGU Mainz, Germany
>>>>> Email: aggraef at gmail.com, web: https://agraef.github.io/
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>>> --
>>> Dr. Albert Gr"af
>>> Computer Music Research Group, JGU Mainz, Germany
>>> Email: aggraef at gmail.com, web: https://agraef.github.io/
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> L2Ork-dev mailing list
>>> L2Ork-dev at disis.music.vt.edu
>>> https://disis.music.vt.edu/listinfo/l2ork-dev
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> --
> Dr. Albert Gr"af
> Computer Music Research Group, JGU Mainz, Germany
> Email: aggraef at gmail.com, web: https://agraef.github.io/
> _______________________________________________
> L2Ork-dev mailing list
> L2Ork-dev at disis.music.vt.edu
> https://disis.music.vt.edu/listinfo/l2ork-dev
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