[L2Ork-dev] From Paul Fejko!
Ivica Ico Bukvic
ico at vt.edu
Sun May 10 23:45:13 EDT 2020
Thank you, Paul, for your input. I am pleased to hear you are enjoying
Tweeter. Also, thank you for reporting a bad link. I just fixed it, so
please try downloading the new Purr-Data version now. I suspect the
problems you are encountering may have to do with the bug that was fixed
since the 2.10.1 was released. Please let me know if that proves not to
be the case.
As for being able to select all instruments offline without pressing
Shift+F1-10, I am trying to figure out how to make that work. The goal
is definitely in part to make it a live performance setup. Perhaps we
could have Shift+F12 (or something like it) which enables all gui
elements but leaves keyboard notes assigned to a currently selected
instrument (based on Shift+F1-10?), or, perhaps make this a default
behavior in the offline mode? Would that work? If so, it may take me a
bit of time to figure out how to implement this.
Hope this helps.
On 5/10/2020 10:41 PM, Paul Fejko wrote:
> Hello All!
> I shall repeat.... I LOVE playing with Tweeter!!
> I forgot to add that I would LOVE it more if while in offline, I could
> have all 10 modules active - or 'selected' so that I could modify any
> one at any time without having to individually 'select' the one I want
> to modify. I am trying to make this a LIVE performance instrument. Is
> this possible? I have sooooooo many ideas for this instrument!!!!
> I have made already several 10 voice loops that unfortunately, I could
> not save....... It really is a SUPER COOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLL instrument!!
> Thanks again for your indulgence......
> Paul Fejko
> --
> fej at fejko.com
> www.fejko.com
> andre-cafe.com
> soundcloud.com/paulfejko
> Youtube.com/paulfejko, or /andrecafeacoustique
> +1/609/462-9000
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Ivica Ico Bukvic, D.M.A.
Director, Creativity + Innovation
Institute for Creativity, Arts, and Technology
Virginia Tech
Creative Technologies in Music
School of Performing Arts – 0141
Blacksburg, VA 24061
(540) 231-6139
ico at vt.edu
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