[L2Ork-dev] atomic multi-step undo and pd vanilla

Guillem Bartrina Moreno guillembartrina at gmail.com
Tue Jun 16 11:47:20 EDT 2020

I have been checking pd vanilla "triggerize" feature, as Matt suggested,
together with its undo system. It turns out that pd vanilla already has an
atomic multi-step undo system implemented that allows us to start a
sequence of undo actions, fill it with all actions that we need and then
finalize it. Then, while undoing, if the system encounters the start/end of
the sequence it executes all undo steps until the end/start is reached.
As you have been talking about merging some pd vanilla interesting features
into purr data, what do you think about this one?
I don't know what would be better. I have checked the implementation
differences between vanilla and purr data and there are some of them that
could probably break the system if we do a direct merge. Basically pd
vanilla changed the place where the undo queue is stored and therefore how
it's accessed, and some other implementation differences and add-ons.
An option would be porting only the things that we want to add to purr
data, adjusting them as needed. Another one would be implementing them from
scratch, as intended.


Guillem Bartrina Moreno
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