[L2Ork-dev] Flatpak build - audio backend testing

Sam Thursfield ssssam at gmail.com
Mon Jul 20 09:27:24 EDT 2020

Hi all,
I spent this morning trying to improve the 'out of the box' audio
driver experience for Purr Data on Linux/Flatpak, and I'm inviting
anyone interested to test a branch from

In Flatpak, the ALSA backend already works for direct audio hardware
access, but a well behaved app should also be able to share hardware
with PulseAudio. Previously I tried to do this with the OSS backend
and `padsp`, which worked pretty badly in my experience (and... OSS
was deprecated almost 20 years ago).

The new approach is to use ALSA but also pass `-alsaadd pulse` on the
commandline, so PD's audio is routed to PulseAudio by default. I hope
it works better, but please test to let me know :)

The test build can be installed like this:

    $ flatpak install --user


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