[L2Ork-dev] Installing Purr Data on a Linux Mint

mott mott at escuta.org
Mon Feb 3 07:30:01 EST 2020

Hello,I'm having difficulty installing Purr Data on a Linux Mint (19.3 Tricia). I've been trying theĀ  deb packages (Debian and Ubuntu) at https://github.com/jonwwilkes/purr-data/releases. The package installer, in both cases, reports the error "Dependency is not satisfiable: libgsl2". If I attempt to install libgsl2 via a deb package (it's not included in the distro) I get a conflict with the installed libgslcblas0, which I think I remember seeing replaces libgsl2.I also tried cloning the git and building. Mint had no candidates for the following dependencies (in brackets were the closest that I could find, which I installed) :ssi-devslv2-jacklibslv2-dev (mint has libslv1-dev)libjpeg62-turbo (has libjpeg62 libjpeg62-dev )When I attempted to "make light" the install failed near the beginning trying to download https://dl.nwjs.io/v0.24.4/nwjs-sdk-v0.24.4-linux-x64.tar.gz. Note the first two locations attempted for this file gave 404 errors. On the third location attempt, the installation reported: gzip: stdin: unexpected end of filetar: Unexpected EOF in archiveInstalling the binary is, i imagine, the best option for me to continue pursuing.Any suggestions, please?Thanks!Iain
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