[L2Ork-dev] Purr Data straight patch chords option and disabling grid background
Jonathan Wilkes
jon.w.wilkes at gmail.com
Wed Dec 23 12:53:59 EST 2020
On Wed, Dec 23, 2020 at 4:05 AM Lorenzo Sutton <lorenzofsutton at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> First I would really like to congratulate all developers and
> contributors about Purr Data. Among the many cool features, having a
> higher resolution display I particularly appreciatethe GUI's and ability
> to zoom in/out without breaking existing patches :)
> I searched around a bit but can't seem to find out if there's a way to
> disable 'curved' patch chords and have just straight ones (i.e. like in
> Vanilla)... Maybe some hidden option?
It's not possible in CSS to switch between a curve command and a
straight line command for an svg path. So it cannot be easily changed
as part of a style sheet.
It would be possible to add a flag to the cord drawing function that
draws the path as a straight line. It's not that difficult, but it
would need a startup flag and a checkbox added to the GUI preferences.
> Also, running on 2.15.2 (Arch AUR package), I seem to have different GUI
> options compared to what is written in the Purr Data Intro page [1]. In
> fact instead of 'grid background in edit mode' I have a 'snap to grid
> (experimental)' option. My goal would be to be able to _disable_ grid
> visualisation even in edit mode (maybe still keeping the snapping).
When "snap to grid" is unchecked, I would prefer not to show a grid in
editmode. But we need to show *something* to make it look different
than runmode-- just reusing the grid at a lower opacity was a
quick-and-dirty solution. Let me know if you have any suggestions on
how to visually distinguish edit-mode.
When "snap to grid" is checked, I don't see a good reason to hide the
grid. If there's a less distracting way to display a background grid,
let me know and I'll try it out.
> Thanks!
> Lorenzo.
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