[L2Ork-dev] 8-bit wav support

Jonathan Wilkes jon.w.wilkes at gmail.com
Sun Aug 9 23:18:40 EDT 2020

Hi list,

Hm... so suppose I add this at the top of the for loop in

        if (bytespersamp == 1)
            for (j = 0, sp2 = sp, fp=vecs[i] + spread * itemsread;
                j < nitems; j++, sp2 += bytesperframe, fp += spread)
                    *fp = (1. / 128) * (((int32_t)sp2[0]) - 127);

(plus adding a line to accept 8-bit formats in the relevant place)

Does this give us support for 8-bit PCM wav files in Purr Data?

If that looks close, am I doing the scaling correctly? Or am I off by one?


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