[L2Ork-dev] CI Runners
Albert Graef
aggraef at gmail.com
Mon Mar 19 07:13:46 EDT 2018
Well, it's a workable solution, but not a pretty one, and I'm not sure
how well this will fare when a PR is rebased and squashed while it's
still WIP. Also, it requires submitters to remember to change the
target branch when submitting a PR. Or you'd have to make dev the new
default branch (which, however, needs to be unprotected so that you
can force-push to it). But this all has a smell of kludge to it, I
wouldn't do it.
What's wrong with just pulling the source branch from the PR into your
working copy (I'm sure there must be *something* in Gitlabs web
interface which lets you copy-and-paste that URL, or you could ask
people to provide it in their PRs) and then just push that branch to
your remote to make the CI chew on it? That shouldn't be more than 2-3
git commands and even those could be automated pretty easily with a
little shell script, I'd say.
On Mon, Mar 19, 2018 at 3:13 AM, Jonathan Wilkes <jon.w.wilkes at gmail.com> wrote:
> Another possibility is for me to create a "dev" branch and
> change the contributor guide to tell people to make merge
> requests on that one.
> Then I can merge there to trigger CI. That would leave master for
> releases and ensure it always builds.
> I'd much prefer just triggering CI on merge requests and not introducing
> another branch. But that's still not a feature in Gitlab[1]. And judging by
> the months it took me just to get the Gitlab CI maintainer to click the
> "merge" button for a previous bugfix, I'd say resolutely we can't depend
> to add that feature in a timely manner.
> What do you think?
> [1] There's a way to use webhooks and a "-triggers" flag to manually
> trigger CI only on merge requests. But that requires setting up a
> non-gitlab web server to receive the webhook message and send
> back the message to do the triggering. I don't want to do that work.
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Dr. Albert Gr"af
Computer Music Research Group, JGU Mainz, Germany
Email: aggraef at gmail.com
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