[L2Ork-dev] CI Runners

Jonathan Wilkes jon.w.wilkes at gmail.com
Sun Mar 18 22:13:47 EDT 2018

Another possibility is for me to create a "dev" branch and
change the contributor guide to tell people to make merge
requests on that one.

Then I can merge there to trigger CI. That would leave master for
releases and ensure it always builds.

I'd much prefer just triggering CI on merge requests and not introducing
another branch. But that's still not a feature in Gitlab[1]. And judging by
the months it took me just to get the Gitlab CI maintainer to click the
"merge" button for a previous bugfix, I'd say resolutely we can't depend
to add that feature in a timely manner.

What do you think?

[1] There's a way to use webhooks and a "-triggers" flag to manually
trigger CI only on merge requests. But that requires setting up a
non-gitlab web server to receive the webhook message and send
back the message to do the triggering. I don't want to do that work.

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