[L2Ork-dev] API for HTML5 Web Apps | GSoC 2018

Nilay Arora nilayarora1298 at gmail.com
Sun Mar 4 10:31:48 EST 2018


I am Nilay Arora, a sophomore currently studying Computer Science
Engineering at BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus, India. I wish to apply for GSoC
with your organization. I have a programming experience of over five years in
Javascript and Front-End Web Development and have gained substantial
command over many web technologies such as AngularJS, NodeJS, WebAPIs, jQuery,
AJAX, CSS, and HTML.  I have also done a C Programming course in my college
and am quite confident in C Language.

I am also a part of the 10 member team which creates websites and
applications for various festivals organized at BITS Pilani.

Some projects I have contributed to are:

1. https://bits-oasis.org - Official website for Oasis BITS Pilani which is
BITS' cultural festival.

2. https://nilay117.github.io/ - AngularJS WebApp for student-run Startup -

3. https://bits-bosm.org/2017/intro/ - Official website for Bosm BITS
Pilani which is BITS' sports festival.

4. https://bits-apogee.org/2017/ - Official website for Apogee BITS Pilani
which is BITS' technical festival.

While going through your project ideas I was fascinated by the idea, *"API
for HTML5 Web Apps"*.

Apart from Web Development, I would be interested in learning about Purr
Data, which is a major reason why I would like to work with your
organization. Creating an efficient API for your organization would help me
create a niche for myself and contribute to other projects your
organization works on.

What do you suggest to get started on this project?

*Nilay Arora*
*B.E.(Hons.) Computer Science Engineering*

*Mobile:- + 91-90576-73084*
*E-Mail:-*  Personal <nilayarora1298 at gmail.com> || University Emai
<f2016117 at pilani.bits-pilani.ac.in>l

*Birla Institute of Technology and Science Pilani*

*Vidya Vihar, Pilani*
*Rajasthan - 333031, India*

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