[L2Ork-dev] Remove OSCx?

Albert Graef aggraef at gmail.com
Fri Jun 1 19:51:31 EDT 2018

After discussing this with Jonathan, we think that OSCx should finally be
removed from the external library. It has been deprecated in favor of the
mrpeach OSC externals for a long time (it even says so with an error
message when loaded). Also, it still depends on some ancient SUN RPC code
which doesn't support IPv6 and was recently from glibc. So there are good
reasons to just get rid of OSCx at this point, and I've opened an issue for
that here: https://git.purrdata.net/jwilkes/purr-data/issues/475

Before we give it the boot, though, we'd like to know if anyone's still
using OSCx right now. Does anyone have a really good reason that we should
keep it around? And, if so, would anyone be willing to work on it to bring
it into the modern times?


Dr. Albert Gr"af
Computer Music Research Group, JGU Mainz, Germany
Email:  aggraef at gmail.com
WWW:    https://plus.google.com/+AlbertGraef
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