[L2Ork-dev] A plea for full double precision support out of the box in Purr data
Ivica Ico Bukvic
ico at vt.edu
Mon Aug 21 02:26:25 UTC 2017
One thing that may be helpful as we continue this conversation is (if
you haven't already) if you would please consider subscribing to the
list. This will not only allow you to get all the correspondence among
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manually approve every post you make. Thank you, Yoann.
On 8/20/2017 8:44 AM, Yoann Le BORGNE wrote:
> Hi!
> Thanks for this information, these are great news to read!
> I'm aware of the difficulty of such a task, specially regarding
> externals. A good thing might be that Pd is already, at least
> experimentally, compilable with double precision, as I found out in
> its src/makefile.gnu. I managed to run it this way and did some basic
> maths. Calculations seems to be done correctly but their display is
> still truncated scientifically. And I had to use the internal FFT
> library instead of FFT3W or it couldn't compile. But at least it is
> not a start-from-a-blank-page task :).
> Unfortunately, I consider myself a junior JAVA dev so I can't help
> much on Purr data/Pd code for the now but I'm willing to help in any
> way if possible!
> Yoann
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