[L2Ork-dev] libgsl0ldbl, ubuntustudio 16.04
Gerhard Lang
lang.gerhard at gmail.com
Wed May 4 23:21:37 UTC 2016
Changed the build depency from libgsl0-dev to libgsl2-dev and in all
control files libgsl0ldbl to libgsl2. Got a fine
pd-l2ork-x86_64-20160503.deb for ubuntustudio16.04. Had some issues with
jack, but after activation of falkTX KXStudio repositories and
installing his cadence stuff all worked fine.
TX and regards to Albert Graef and Ivo Bukvic
Gerhard Lang
Am 01.05.2016 um 07:44 schrieb Albert Graef:
> On Sun, May 1, 2016 at 5:58 AM, Ivica Ico Bukvic <ico at vt.edu
> <mailto:ico at vt.edu>> wrote:
> So, after a bit of investigation, it appears that recent Ubuntu
> (and possibly Debian as well) have removed libgsl0ldbl starting
> with Ubuntu 16.04 (as per
> https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/xenial/amd64/libgsl0ldbl). Does
> anyone know why this is so? If this is a permanent state of
> affairs for this package, I may have to disable building externals
> that require this library...
> Just change libgsl0ldbl to libgsl2 in the control file, then
> everything should be fine for Xenial and later. (Also, if you build
> the Debian package yourself, note that the build dependency is now
> libgsl-dev rather than libgsl0-dev.)
> It looks like beginning with Xenial, Ubuntu has updated its GSL
> package from 1.16 to 2.1 (which has been out since Nov 2015). On Arch
> we've already been using GSL 2.x for building pd-l2ork since quite
> some time, so far I didn't notice any issues.
> Albert
> --
> Dr. Albert Gr"af
> Computer Music Research Group, JGU Mainz, Germany
> Email: aggraef at gmail.com <mailto:aggraef at gmail.com>
> WWW: https://plus.google.com/+AlbertGraef
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