[L2Ork-dev] xy.pd; error: array: couldn't find named array ' '
Ico Bukvic
ico at vt.edu
Thu Nov 25 06:08:28 EST 2021
BTW, after some investigation, the reason why this patch does not work
within Pd-L2Ork (not to be confused with Purr-Data) is because Pd-L2Ork
seeks to ensure that the mouse clicks are handled from the top to bottom
and only by the topmost clickable object. Otherwise, patches like these can
result in inconsistent behaviors where objects are triggered from the
bottom to the top, as opposed to the other way around. Pd-L2Ork has
effectively three types of objects, those that are clickable and therefore
capture the click without passing it below, those that are not clickable
and therefore pass the click to objects below (e.g. comments, or mycanvas),
and a new special case, pass-through objects that allow for capturing click
while also passing it below. All these account for clicking order (top to
bottom). Most importantly, the last category also allows for the creation
of the same functionality as the complex xy.pd patch through a single
ggee/image instance, making it a lot simpler and less CPU intensive
solution. Hope this helps.
Ivica Ico Bukvic, D.M.A.
Director, Creativity + Innovation
Director, Human-Centered Design iPhD
Institute for Creativity, Arts, and Technology
Virginia Tech
Creative Technologies in Music
School of Performing Arts – 0141
Blacksburg, VA 24061
(540) 231-6139
ico at vt.edu
On Mon, Nov 22, 2021 at 11:53 AM Ico Bukvic <ico at vt.edu> wrote:
> We need to clarify the distinction between Pd-L2Ork and Purr-Data asap to
> minimize confusion since they are now two separate projects. Jonathan and
> Albert, would you make sure your package is renamed to Purr-Data moving
> forward to minimize confusion? Pd-L2Ork has removed most obvious mentions
> of Purr-Data for this reason. Thanks.
> Best,
> Ico
> --
> Ivica Ico Bukvic, D.M.A.
> Director, Creativity + Innovation
> Institute for Creativity, Arts, and Technology
> Virginia Tech
> Creative Technologies in Music
> School of Performing Arts – 0141
> Blacksburg, VA 24061
> (540) 231-6139
> ico at vt.edu
> ci.icat.vt.edu
> l2ork.icat.vt.edu
> ico.bukvic.net
> On Mon, Nov 22, 2021, 11:46 Marc Lavallée <marc at hacklava.net> wrote:
>> Le 2021-11-22 à 11 h 22, Ivica Ico Bukvic a écrit :
>> Hi Marc,
>> Are you using Purr-Data or Pd-L2Ork 2.x?
>> Hi Ico,
>> I compiled a Ubuntu package for Pd-L2Ork 2.x from
>> https://github.com/agraef/purr-data.git
>> I had to change the python requirement to python2 to avoid the automatic
>> installation of the python-is-python2 package (I use python-is-python3,
>> because we're in 2021)
>> Related question: how to compile a Debian/Ubuntu package for Purr-Data?
>> On Pd-L2Ork I get a different error and I will investigate shortly. In
>> the meantime, this complicated patch can be easily recreated using a single
>> object (or potentially two if you wish to use canvas as a single color
>> background) by simply using the ggee/image object that allows for
>> pass-through clicks. See its help file for more info and look at the
>> control surface subpatch in the help file for an example. Hope this helps.
>> I'll take a look, but what I'd prefer is to fix xy.pd ; it is included in
>> a software I'm learning for exploring sets of points (as a user interface).
>> Best,
>> Ico
>> Thanks
>> Marc
>> On 11/22/2021 10:58 AM, Marc Lavallée wrote:
>> Hello l2orkians,
>> I'm seeking help to debug a useful patch that works fine in vanilla PD
>> but not with PD-L2Ork:
>> https://forum.pdpatchrepo.info/topic/10854/xy-abstraction-to-get-mouse-click-and-drag-coordinates-vanilla
>> So with PD-L2Ork there's error messages similar to:
>> error: array: couldn't find named array ' '
>> The name itself include non-breaking spaces; it is generated from
>> subpatches named "uniqueInvisible", but changing the generation method to
>> get visible names does not solve the issue.
>> For some unknown reason, the "array size" and "array max" objects can't
>> find two arrays.
>> Thanks for your attention.
>> Marc
>> _______________________________________________
>> L2Ork-dev mailing listL2Ork-dev at disis.music.vt.eduhttps://disis.music.vt.edu/listinfo/l2ork-dev
>> --
>> Ivica Ico Bukvic, D.M.A.
>> Director, Creativity + Innovation
>> Co-Director, Human Centered Design iPhD
>> Institute for Creativity, Arts, and Technology
>> Virginia Tech
>> Creative Technologies in Music
>> School of Performing Arts – 0141
>> Blacksburg, VA 24061
>> (540) 231-6139ico at vt.edu
>> ci.icat.vt.edul2ork.icat.vt.eduico.bukvic.net
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