[L2Ork-dev] Introduction for GSOC 2021
Jonathan Wilkes
jon.w.wilkes at gmail.com
Mon Mar 15 14:13:52 EDT 2021
On Mon, Mar 15, 2021 at 10:22 AM Sunny Tyagi <sunnytyagi2610 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am Sunny Tyagi,3rd yr CSE student at the NIT, a prestigious cllege in India with national importance.
> I love the whole idea of using a visual programming environment for
> generating audio, video, and graphics which is also user-friendly. Purr
> Data is solving the problem of doing it efficiently and reliably on
> general-purpose operating systems like macOS, Windows, Debian.
> I am also keen on participating in GSOC 2021 and I am glad that Purr Data
> has come as an organization in it this year also. I'd really love to
> contribute to the project "Web App UI Cleanup" (link
> <https://git.purrdata.net/jwilkes/summer-of-code-ideas-list#web-app-ui-cleanup>).
> I have successfully built the project locally on my machine and I am
> starting to work on it.
Hello Sunny Tyagi,
That sounds like a great start. I believe Zack has a detailed
description of the current state of the web app in the README.md
linked from the project idea. So you might start going through and
finding any low-hanging fruit for improvements there.
Additionally, you can search our issue tracker for bugs labeled
"good-first-bug." Those will give you an idea of what it's like to to
touch the repo and make a merge request.
> Also, I have joined the mailing list and GitLab,
> it's just pending approval from the moderator.
> I would like to further discuss the project with you.
> Thanks,
> Sunny Tyagi
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