[L2Ork-dev] ANN: first official release of Virginia Tech Pd-L2Ork 2.x now available

Ico Bukvic ico at vt.edu
Tue Aug 17 01:31:35 EDT 2021

After over a year of development, Pd-L2Ork is back and is better than ever
with a slew of new improvements, including multi-OS support, embedded L2Ork
Tweeter, updated K12, and sensel libraries, and much more. Check it out at

Read on for a somewhat messy changelog:
*Added option for restoring the L2Ork apps in the preferences.
*Optimized scrollbar behavior and ensured that the scrollbar toggle button
in the canvas properties works properly with the new HTML-based scrollbars.
*Integrated first two L2Ork apps, L2Ork Tweeter and a simple monaural voice
chat and enabled their copying in the userspace to allow for editing and/or
saving of presets, sessions, and patterns.
*Updated K12 abstractions and their help files and made them fully
compatible with the 2.x GUI.
*Included sensel external and updated building scripts.
*Updated naming scheme pd-l2ork, updated icons and the build script.
*Fixed a bug where comment with a linebreak splitting a word at a - (e.g.
follow-up), removes the -.
*Added files opened through browser to the recently open files.
*Fixed a bug where comments still cannot handle empty lines in between two
populated lines.
*Fixed a bug where locating error on a gop-enabled canvas on a ggee/image
does not open the subpatch.
*Disabled unwanted pasting of the patch objects while pasting text inside
the find box.
*Longer messages have a bit of a right offset on the flag. This is true
only for certain zoom levels and as such it is a nw.js/chromium limitation.
*Weird flashing of the selection outside the box boundaries (whitespaces on
the rightmost side of the comment... Likely a nw.js bug) Fixed by hiding
the overflow of gui_textarea.
*Fixed a bug where ; at the end of the comment adds an unnecessary endline.
*Made OK inside the text define dialog an event that can be committed with
a keyboard shortcut.
*Fixed a bug where resizing a message box does not update the patchsvg size
and therefore truncates the message box's visual appearance.
*Fixed a bug where resizing GOP in the subpatch does not update outgoing
patch cords on the parent canvas.
*Fixed binbuf parsing regression that affected the processing of css
*Fixed ggee/image regression with updating fields.
*Activation of a text object that does not fit on the screen invokes
*Selection box autoscrolls when it hits the edge of a scrollable patch.
*Find autoscrolls.
*Fixed a bug where editable gui_textarea gets smaller than its actual width
when against the right edge.
*Updated seq help file to reflect the tempo message.
*Fixed a bug where number2 decoration saving was not working.
*New ggee/image help file.
*New gatom help file (focus, commit, hard limit).
*Add hard limiting values option for the float gatom.
*Fixed a bug where comments cannot capture backslashes by themselves
(remove them except for those that escape things).
*Fixed a bug where last char in the text cannot be a backslash as that will
escape the last semicolon
*Added proper sizing of boxes.
*Added \v and \n support to objects that allows for multiline comments and
objects without requiring manual resizing of the boxes.
*When editing objects whose editable boxes go outside its boundaries, they
also need to have their minimum width increased to properly display, as
they should outside the right boundary.
*when unfocusing pddplink while selecting a comment, fixed a bug where it
still does not properly reinstantiate.
*Fixed a bug where comment still sometimes has an extra line at the end.
*Proper resizing of message and regular boxes that also affects their patch
*Escape comma (currently "\," when it should be ",") properly in object
names and symbol gatoms.
*Creating new object when there is a scrollbar and the object is all the
way to the right, makes object less wide than it ought to be.
*Fixed a bug where resizing subpatch, closing, and then saving, does not
retain the subpatch window size.
*Moonlib/image is marked defunct (still need some work post ggee/image to
make it fully supported).
*Refined mycanvas and image diagonal resize location.
*Iemgui dialog fixed background label color not initialized properly
*Image object redesign
  Alt key release screws up the image selection box
  Adjusting image size when gop_spill is off, is off
  Make the gop_spill co-dependent to custom img size, so that gop_spill
does not exceed the image size
    implement and debug aspect ratio option
    implement border whose visibility is affected by the css (editmode =
visible, otherwise invisible), and simplify the code
    Fixed regresseion where cut and paste creates a legacy object...
    Check the help file for regressions--reloading old image changes size
    Added reset command to reset the image to its original size regardless
of the constrain mode
    Enable click 2 mode where it outputs one or zero depending whether it
is clicked or not
    Add ability to resize (using "size" command)
    Add rotate option
    Drawing and hiding of the label move element is not properly handled
since it is unaware of whether the label has any content or not...
    Label being drawn twice and nlets only after dynamically
creating/changing the label text
    Proper let drawing (uses css)
    Added dialog browse and rotate options, bunch of appearance clean-up
    Finish implementing dialog (implement return function)
    Add w/h ratio check when updating the w/h values
    Fixed background label color not initialized properly
    Refined rotation center logic
    Added reset size and re-center buttons
    Code clean-up (fixed regression where updating size did not resize the
*Refined how the objects are created when mouse is out of bounds and how
the cursor looks like while object is following the cursor
*Fixed alt key flicker in temporary non-edit mode
*Test ggee/image and fix selection box color (may be responsible for the
NaN error inside pdgui.js line 2340)
*Comment does not hide text when being edited (edit multiline one and make
it single line and there will be residual text that needs to be hidden)
*pddplink does not save properly when activated and then deactivated
*Message, textobject, and comment: when edited change their location in the
glist which can mess with preset_hub/node assignment. Added a way to
compensate for such changes.
  x->ph_extern_file = 1;
  %wasnode% stored with the patch and re-read when preset_hub_new is invoked
  when saving, we still use wasnode for backwards compatibility or do we
provide a flag?
  When do we generate was locations, at user's request, or at save-time (if
they are not
  already initialized), or both? At user's request
  clearfileloc initfileloc updatefileloc
  IMPORTANT: Node's "was" values replace the node values when saving
presets to file
  update help file
*Add knob to the menu
*Gop and iemgui objects vertical and horizontal resize handles now use the
full extent of objects' width and height.
*Fixed a bug where creating a sub-patch that does not have any scalars and
then creating a first object for some reason deletes gop (and it shouldn't)
*Refined gop, mycanvas resize, and iemgui label handles
*Ensured that symbol gatom by default has exclusive access
*Cut/Copy/Paste/SelectAll now works inside the canvas find widget.
*SelectAll on the Console window find widget selects text inside the
widget, not the console.
*On Console and Browser find widgets, the widget color auto-updates on
special commands like cut and paste that also change the text content.
*On Console and Browser find widgets Enter/Return searches forward, while
Shift+Enter/Return searches backwards.
*Updated knob help file
*Fixed knob lin/log and limits when autopatching at instantiation time
*Fixed knob inability to slide dynamically created object
*Fixed dynamically created object has a weirdly positioned dial arc (when
changing range)
*Fixed knob css issues
*gop move handle should be refined
*Dialog dropdown update
*Fixed editable msg having a weird vertical line between the main box and
the flag (0.24.4 OSX, possibly also Linux)
*Fill color on the message right side flag
*Knob dialog should auto-update the values
*Symbol gatom should have ... that are highlighted when one starts editing
an empty gatom
*translation of new dialog items
*slider also grabs focus and it shouldn't
*symbol gatom backspace without shift deletes everything (and it shouldn't)
*Complete reworking of numbox while ensuring it remains
  *should revert to max/min after pressing return
  *typing into activated box with only 0 in it should enter first digit on
the first position
  *Up/Down increments twice
  *up/down (shift or not) adds > and it shouldn't??? It should since that
differentiates it from mouse edits
  *When activated and all digits are erased, up and down should start from 0
  *After return when activated if it is not shift-activated, it should
start over, not append
  *Weird initial positioning bug
  *Numbox not resetting after 3000ms
  *Numbox not truncating after return is pressed
*gatom fixes
*slider fixes
*window size for Windows needs to be fixed
*msg cursor on empty msg is different (higher and thicker--but only on
*Disabled coll object's excessive legacy call warnings
*Fixed opendialog being able to open custom paths on Windows
*Solved bug where activated text obj after it triggers getscroll is
positioned pre-scroll
*magicglass now supports the new GOP drawing instructions
*mycanvas embedded GOP support and iemgui labels properly colored
*port iemgui numbox drawing styles from 1.x



Ivica Ico Bukvic, D.M.A.
Director, Creativity + Innovation
Institute for Creativity, Arts, and Technology

Virginia Tech
Creative Technologies in Music
School of Performing Arts – 0141
Blacksburg, VA 24061
(540) 231-6139
ico at vt.edu

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