[L2Ork-dev] Problems installing on Ubuntu Studio 20.04

Rukshan J. Senanayaka rjsenanayaka at gmail.com
Sun Apr 11 04:39:07 EDT 2021

Hello Marcelo,

I faced similar issues when I first tried setting up. I'm running the same
operating system (Ubuntu 20.04 LTS) as yours. Did you *exactly* go through
the package installation steps as mentioned at

Two of the packages were not supporting Ubuntu 20.04 so I had to manually
install them.

   - Package *slv2-jack* is not available
   Solution: Install manually from
   - Package *libjpeg62-turbo* is not available but is referred to by
   another package.
   Solution: Install manually from

Since these two packages are not available you may have to run the `sudo
apt-get install <package-name>` for other packages, without including these
two. Otherwise, the installation would stop installing the packages after
the error.

After installing all dependencies, you can,
*(Warning: `make realclean` deletes all uncommited changes in the branch -
do it at your caution)*

*(Replace <.deb-file-name> with the .deb file name that you will have on
your /purr-data/ folder.)*

*`*cd purr-data &&
make realclean &&
git checkout master &&
make light &&
sudo dpkg -i <.deb-file-name> &&

This way worked for me.
Please let me know if you have any questions.


On Sun, Apr 11, 2021 at 8:14 AM Marcelo Carneiro de Lima <
marcelo.arcos2 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi, my name is Marcelo and I am glad to be starting to use purr data. I am
> facing problems installing purr data on my ubuntu studio 20.04 system. I
> installed the repository from
> http://l2ork.music.vt.edu/main/make-your-own-l2ork/software/
> Then I build de deb installer, did ./configure but after make install I
> get [makefile:185: ../bin/pd-l2ork] Erro 1
> All these happens before the aforementioned error:
> /usr/bin/ld: s_audio.o: na função "sys_close_audio":
> /home/marcelo/pd-l2ork/pd/src/s_audio.c:388: referência não definida para
> "jack_close_audio"
> /usr/bin/ld: s_audio.o: na função "sys_listdevs":
> /home/marcelo/pd-l2ork/pd/src/s_audio.c:862: referência não definida para
> "jack_listdevs"
> /usr/bin/ld: s_audio.o: na função "sys_reopen_audio":
> /home/marcelo/pd-l2ork/pd/src/s_audio.c:444: referência não definida para
> "jack_open_audio"
> /usr/bin/ld: s_audio.o: na função "audio_getdevs":
> /home/marcelo/pd-l2ork/pd/src/s_audio.c:625: referência não definida para
> "jack_getdevs"
> /usr/bin/ld: s_audio.o: na função "sys_send_dacs":
> /home/marcelo/pd-l2ork/pd/src/s_audio.c:542: referência não definida para
> "jack_send_dacs"
> I have already used sudo apt-get -f install, try intalling some packages,
> but nothing seems to work
> I also downloaded the deb installer from
> https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/aggraef/Debian_10/
> but it seems to be broken.
> What am I doing wrong here? How do I fix it?
> Thank you
> Bests
> Marcelo
> --
> *Marcelo Carneiro*
> (21) 9382-3621
> (21) 3497-0193
> Skype: Carneiro3729
> http://marceloarcos2.wixsite.com/marcelocarneiro
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