[L2Ork-dev] Purr Data and MP3 Objects
Ivica Ico Bukvic
ico at vt.edu
Fri Sep 18 10:12:40 EDT 2020
Based on the help file this object needs a lot of love to be truly
usable. See the transposing part on anything other than the 3 apparently
hardcoded sampling rates...
That said, it would be great to be able to support mp3 file
manipulation. What would be even better if you could simply load it into
an array natively and export from it, then all the problems this object
already has would become moot.
On 9/16/2020 7:06 PM, Linux ROUEN Normandie wrote:
> Le 17/09/2020 à 00:01, Jonathan Wilkes a écrit :
>> On Wed, Sep 16, 2020 at 4:49 PM Linux ROUEN Normandie
>> <linux.rouen at free.fr> wrote:
>>> Thanks Jonathan,
>>> But that means it's not usable by a standard project user.
>> What means that?
> Well, translation from a poor French man speaking poor English (LOL):
> What I meant is that if you are not a guy who builds patchs/subpatchs
> using available objects but only a one who is using a ready-to-go
> project (assembly of patchs) built by someone else, you will never do
> what have been suggested. Not everybody is a developer-programmer,
> even I. So, what about a standard user of Purr Data / Pd Vanilla!
>>> You have to
>>> put your hands under the hood and then into the dirty engine.
>>> I just checked [mp3play~] with 'iemlib' r.1.17 properly installed and
>>> declared under Pd Vanilla v.0.50.2 and it's the same bad behavior than
>>> under Purr Data v.2.13.0. Even more, here 'mp3play~-help.pd' is not
>>> present at all.
>> Do you know where the source code is for the version of mp3play~
>> available through Vanilla?
> As I wrote it, it's not available under Pd Vanilla 0.5.2 / iemlib 1.17
> but only under Purr Data, as far as my little experience.
> I attach to this email what I guess could be the main source file
> (mp3play~.c), but with no guarantee at all, awa its help file
> (mp3play~-help.pd).
> This 'C' file seems to have been tested/working only on: 'debugged for
> windows 013-03-2003' (line 13 of the file).
> These 2 files and few others can be found on your Git repository at:
> '/purr-data/externals/iemlib/iem_mp3/' (accordingly to the copy I have
> on my GNU/Linux PC).
> - Joseph
>> -Jonathan
>>> -Joseph
>>> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
>>> Le 16/09/2020 à 21:13, Jonathan Wilkes a écrit :
>>>> On Wed, Sep 16, 2020 at 2:37 PM Linux ROUEN Normandie
>>>> <linux.rouen at free.fr> wrote:
>>>>> Hello Folks,
>>>>> I'm looking for some advises regarding Recording and Playing MP3
>>>>> files -directly- inside Purr Data v2.13.0+ under GNU/Linux and
>>>>> Windows.
>>>>> In my MIDI/Audio projects under Purr Data I'm already using
>>>>> successfully:
>>>>> - [oggwrite~] / [oggread~] for .ogg (Vorbis) files (with lossy
>>>>> audio compression), and
>>>>> - [writesf~] / [readsf~] for .wav, .aif, .au and .snd files (with
>>>>> uncompressed linear pulse-code modulation).
>>>>> But some users are requesting, among other demands, the
>>>>> possibility to handle also MP3 (with lossy data-compression) for
>>>>> extending the number of compatible Audio equipment (like TVs) able
>>>>> to read them.
>>>>> After analysis I found only 2 objects -not tested yet- from the
>>>>> 'unauthorized' library being able to deal with MP3:
>>>>> - [mp3write~] an MP3 file recorder v.0.4, and
>>>>> - [mp3cast~] an MP3 streamer v.0.5.
>>>>> But there is nothing about an MP3 file reader/player.
>>>>> Despite the many libraries installed by default, Purr Data could
>>>>> not create any of the following objects (see towards the end of
>>>>> the link - FR):
>>>>> - [mp3amp~],
>>>>> - [graphic-mp3amp~],
>>>>> - [mp3live~],
>>>>> - [mp3streamout~],
>>>>> - [mp3streamin~],
>>>>> - [mp3fileout~], and
>>>>> - [mp3play~] from 'iemlib library'.
>>>>> * [mp3play~] should be in the 'iemlib' library but it's not there
>>>>> when its help file is well present in
>>>>> '/opt/purr-data/lib/pd-l2ork/extra/iemlib/mp3play~-help.pd'.
>>>>> One strange thing is that the 'mp3play~.c' file is well present on
>>>>> the Git copy I made from Jonathan's repo for my French
>>>>> translations in:
>>>>> - '/home/joe/GitLab/purr-data/externals/build/src/mp3play~.c' (47
>>>>> bytes), and
>>>>> - '/home/joe/GitLab/purr-data/externals/iemlib/iem_mp3/src/' (107
>>>>> kB).
>>>> mp3play~ is not currently getting built (and wasn't in Pd-extended,
>>>> either).
>>>> What a weirdo class structure! After compiling it, you must first
>>>> create this:
>>>> [iem_mp3]
>>>> Which will then go in and trigger the setup routine for mp3play~, so
>>>> that you can then do this:
>>>> [mp3play~]
>>>> Both will create properly. I was able to play the test file and it
>>>> seemed to output something, though couldn't get my headphones to work
>>>> so I don't know if it sounded right.
>>>> It appears there are no dependencies for this object, so if we add it
>>>> then it will work in the web app, too!
>>>> I guess the first thing to do is look in Pd Vanilla and see if anyone
>>>> has done work on this object since 2003.
>>>> -Jonathan
>>>>> Any ideas - suggestions about an available and working [MP3 file
>>>>> reader/player] object?
>>>>> Thank you.
>>>>> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
>>>>> Best,
>>>>> Joseph Gastelais
>>>>> LINUX ♥ ROUEN ♥ Normandie
>>>>> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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Ivica Ico Bukvic, D.M.A.
Director, Creativity + Innovation
Co-Director, Human Centered Design iPhD
Institute for Creativity, Arts, and Technology
Virginia Tech
Creative Technologies in Music
School of Performing Arts – 0141
Blacksburg, VA 24061
(540) 231-6139
ico at vt.edu
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