[L2Ork-dev] New scrollbars to address issues with the native ones

Ivica Ico Bukvic ico at vt.edu
Fri Jun 12 03:13:36 EDT 2020

Darn, this took way longer than I would like to admit and there is still 
plenty more to do... This one requires nw.js 0.46.2 which I am actually 
starting to like despite a number of other things requiring 
fixing/attention. Check out the video below. As an added bonus, you'll 
also see the improved fitting of the gop plots and new nlet logic that 
also allows less strict nlet selection and color codes possible and 
impossible connections and starting points.




Ivica Ico Bukvic, D.M.A.
Director, Creativity + Innovation
Institute for Creativity, Arts, and Technology

Virginia Tech
Creative Technologies in Music
School of Performing Arts – 0141
Blacksburg, VA 24061
(540) 231-6139
ico at vt.edu


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