[L2Ork-dev] ontop and resizable window properties
Ivica Ico Bukvic
ico at vt.edu
Thu Jun 11 11:43:25 EDT 2020
On 6/10/2020 3:58 PM, Jonathan Wilkes wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 10, 2020 at 1:11 PM Ivica Bukvic <ico at vt.edu> wrote:
>> 5. Notice there is a directory in Program Files/Purr Data/bin named "nw"
>> 6. Delete that directory
>> Won't this delete also all the pd GUI files including pdgui.js, css subfolder, etc.?
> Sorry, I may have forgotten-- is there another directory named "nw"
> inside the first one?
> If so, delete the nested one, and replace the nested one with the
> directory that contains
> the newer version of nw.js. (And make sure to rename it to "nw")
> -Jonathan
You are correct. I mixed up the source and install directory structures.
That said, I have tried pretty much everything I could think of to find
a way to make a window resizable (other than the kludge of setting the
window minimum and maximum size which still does not prevent the
maximize and by doing so introduces other problems). Manifest allows for
disabling of frame but not the "resizable" or the "fullscreen" flags. I
am sure I am missing something here, so a working simple example whether
in nw.js or inside purr-data code would be really helpful.
>> Best,
>> Ico
>> --
>> Ivica Ico Bukvic, D.M.A.
>> Director, Creativity + Innovation
>> Institute for Creativity, Arts, and Technology
>> Virginia Tech
>> Creative Technologies in Music
>> School of Performing Arts – 0141
>> Blacksburg, VA 24061
>> (540) 231-6139
>> ico at vt.edu
>> www.icat.vt.edu
>> www.performingarts.vt.edu
>> l2ork.icat.vt.edu
>> ico.bukvic.net
>> On Wed, Jun 10, 2020, 12:00 Jonathan Wilkes <jon.w.wilkes at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On Wed, Jun 10, 2020 at 12:42 AM Ivica Ico Bukvic <ico at vt.edu> wrote:
>>>> Thanks. This may be a Windows issue or the fact that it uses 0.14.7. Any
>>>> chance you can provide a quick example change inside the pdgui.js that
>>>> can test this? I tried messing with the manifest, as well as passing
>>>> variables to the window creation and none of it worked. BTW, I noticed
>>>> nw has a frame option which could allow for the creation of fake but
>>>> nonetheless consistent window bars (for the sake of consistent sizing
>>>> across different OSs).
>>>> Similarly, the way I got around of tkpath's also somewhat finicky
>>>> scrollbars is that I built my own inside it (yeah, I am that big of a
>>>> glutton for punishment...) which in turn resulted in semi-transparent
>>>> scrollbars that did not mess anymore with patch being covered by
>>>> scrollbars. Something for us to consider, as well? Needless to mention,
>>>> it could look more... contemporary?
>>>> On a related note, is there a new binary release of nw.js for Windows
>>>> and if so, why are we not using that by default?
>>> Yes. download the SDK version (comes with devTools) here:
>>> https://nwjs.io/
>>> What you can do is:
>>> 1. Download the binary archive
>>> 2. Unzip it or whatever
>>> 3. You should end up with a big long directory name that contains the binaries
>>> 4. Move that directory to Program Files/Purr Data/bin
>>> 5. Notice there is a directory in Program Files/Purr Data/bin named "nw"
>>> 6. Delete that directory
>>> 7. Rename the big long directory name you moved here to "nw"
>>> -Jonathan
>>>> Best,
>>>> Ico
>>>> On 6/9/2020 10:58 PM, Jonathan Wilkes wrote:
>>>>> On Tue, Jun 9, 2020 at 9:30 PM Jonathan Wilkes <jon.w.wilkes at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> On Tue, Jun 9, 2020 at 8:05 PM Ivica Ico Bukvic <ico at vt.edu> wrote:
>>>>>>> Jonathan,
>>>>>>> Are these even possible to implement inside nw.js? I have been searching
>>>>>>> to solve resizable first and stumbled across a number of bug-reports
>>>>>>> inside nw community pointing to this still being an unresolved issue.
>>>>>>> The two are used in L2Ork to prevent students from messing with the
>>>>>>> window size and to ensure that relevant windows always remain on top of
>>>>>>> others in case there are unwanted pop-ups during a performance.
>>>>>> I would check with the most recent version of nw.js.
>>>>>> If you download it and just click on the nw binary it will bring up a window
>>>>>> where you can right-click it and open devTools. There you can experiment
>>>>>> with the "resizable" method, setMaximumSize, setMinimumSize, etc.
>>>>> Btw-- can confirm all three methods work correctly on my Debian laptop.
>>>>> -Jonathan
>>>>>> -Jonathan
>>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>>> Ico
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Ivica Ico Bukvic, D.M.A.
>>>>>>> Director, Creativity + Innovation
>>>>>>> Institute for Creativity, Arts, and Technology
>>>>>>> Virginia Tech
>>>>>>> Creative Technologies in Music
>>>>>>> School of Performing Arts – 0141
>>>>>>> Blacksburg, VA 24061
>>>>>>> (540) 231-6139
>>>>>>> ico at vt.edu
>>>>>>> www.icat.vt.edu
>>>>>>> www.performingarts.vt.edu
>>>>>>> l2ork.icat.vt.edu
>>>>>>> ico.bukvic.net
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>>>> --
>>>> Ivica Ico Bukvic, D.M.A.
>>>> Director, Creativity + Innovation
>>>> Institute for Creativity, Arts, and Technology
>>>> Virginia Tech
>>>> Creative Technologies in Music
>>>> School of Performing Arts – 0141
>>>> Blacksburg, VA 24061
>>>> (540) 231-6139
>>>> ico at vt.edu
>>>> www.icat.vt.edu
>>>> www.performingarts.vt.edu
>>>> l2ork.icat.vt.edu
>>>> ico.bukvic.net
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Ivica Ico Bukvic, D.M.A.
Director, Creativity + Innovation
Institute for Creativity, Arts, and Technology
Virginia Tech
Creative Technologies in Music
School of Performing Arts – 0141
Blacksburg, VA 24061
(540) 231-6139
ico at vt.edu
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