[L2Ork-dev] GSoC '19

Tsz Kiu Pang osamupang at gmail.com
Sat Mar 23 18:35:18 EDT 2019

Hi all,

I am writing to express my interest in working on Purr-Data in the Google
Summer of Code.

I was just looking at the project suggestions on Jonathan's GitLab page,
and am interested in a couple of them.

The first one is making a REPL interface. As someone who insist on doing
most of the work on the command line, this project sounds really
interesting to me. I would be very keen to explore how to communicate with
embedded device locally or via ssh. Although I have never use Pure Data in
any embedded device (apart from a small attempt of using pduino), I am
eager to learn more and eventually develop a user-friendly REPL interface
for Raspberry PI and other devices.

The second one is encapsulation ergonomics. As a Pd user for slightly more
than two years, I do find abstraction a troublesome process in Pd. This
project sounds like a great opportunity to rewrite some of the code that
would make abstraction a more natural process in patching. Although the
GitLab page does not specify the language(s) required for this project, I
am assuming C would be a prerequisite?

These two sounds almost equally interesting to me.
It would be great if you would kindly suggest which one is more beneficial
to the Pd community.

Also, I am just wondering if there are any suggestions in applying for GSoC
and writing a project proposal? I am aware that the application starts in a
couple of days, so I apologise if this is too last-minute.

Something about myself:
I did my undergraduate in Music, majored in Composition during my honours
year. I started to use Pure Data about two years ago. Thanks to Pd, I
became interested in computer music and digital signal processing. I am
currently a Master student in electrical engineering at the University of
Melbourne. I have only started programming (apart from Pd) last year but
now I am a tutor in programming/computing in C at the University. I insist
on doing most of my work on the command line, therefore I also know the
basics of bash scripting.

Thank you very much for your time.

Kind regards,
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