[L2Ork-dev] pd~ stability

Jonathan Wilkes jon.w.wilkes at gmail.com
Wed May 23 18:17:51 EDT 2018

Hi list,

Can anyone get a trivial demo working with [pd~] with the following features:

1. Run an instance in nogui mode: [pd~ start -nogui test.pd(--[pd~]

2. Inside test.pd, have something like [r foo]--[stdout]

3. In the parent Pd instance do [foo hello child(--[pd~]

4. "hello child" should appear in the console of the parent Pd instance.

I can't get this to work in Purr Data or Pd Vanilla on my Rockchip
Chromebook running Debian Stretch.

I had an idea for a nice set of testing scripts to leverage
[pd~]. But if I can't even get trivial output to the console like
this the idea is irrelevant.


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