[L2Ork-dev] purr-data console

Gilberto Agostinho gilbertohasnofb at googlemail.com
Wed Jul 25 16:15:23 EDT 2018

Hi all,

I am not sure if this is the correct place for feature requests for 
Purr-Data, so my apologies if I am doing this wrong. I have been using 
Purr-Data for quite some time and this is an extraordinary effort, thank 
you so much for developing this software. The features that I would like 
to ask you to consider adding are both related to the output console: 1) 
it would be very handy to have a 'clear console' button in the main 
program window. For instance, I might output a lot of messages while 
debugging a patch and it would be very nice to be able to clear the 
console before running a modification of the patch, as to separate the 
output from what came before. 2) I just saw that Max 8 introduced a very 
cool feature to their console which could also be very useful: they now 
have a console filter field which will filter out all messages which do 
not contain the input string. This could also be extremely handy while 
debugging, among other uses.

Many thanks,

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