[L2Ork-dev] updating cyclone

Alexandre Torres Porres porres at gmail.com
Tue Mar 21 06:56:41 UTC 2017

2017-03-21 3:44 GMT-03:00 Albert Graef <aggraef at gmail.com>:

> I have to agree with Alexandre there, the built-in comment object is
> somewhat lacking in features. Cyclone's new comment object would certainly
> be nice to have. But I guess that it still needs to be ported to Purr Data?
> Then it all boils down to whether anyone is volunteering to do that.


But you know cyclone's comment is nothing new, it's been there in cyclone
for over a decade. It was just never included in Pd-l2ork or Purr Data. We
haven't really touched it yet (at least for adding features, we have made a
couple of fixes).

I'm just trying to say nothing really changed... and my idea was that we
were to include it in Purr Data eventually, but not just right now.

As far as documentation goes. I made an adaptation where it doesn't really
look relevantly different.

check it out... (cyclone's official on the left, purr data's on the right

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