[L2Ork-dev] updating cyclone

Jonathan Wilkes jancsika at yahoo.com
Fri Mar 17 14:45:01 UTC 2017

> On Fri, Mar 17, 2017 at 10:11 AM, Derek Kwan <derek.x.kwan at gmail.com> wrote:

I thought the point of the ifdefs were to exclude the bits of code at
least from the purr-data build since it's nw.js and not tcl so all that
code wouldn't work anyways since it's written for tcl pd. but we also
want to exclude it from tcl builds of pd-l2ork since presumably tcl
pd-l2ork has its own ways of handling these things?

> I *think* that classic Pd-l2ork should still be mostly backwards-compatible to vanilla on the Tcl side, so I'd leave the Tcl code enabled for it. You can test for the PD_L2ORK_VERSION symbol instead (#ifndef PD_L2ORK_VERSION), this symbol will only be defined in Purr Data, not in Pd-l2ork proper.
Pd-l2ork 1.0 uses tkpath.  The normal tk canvas commands won't work with it.

> Albert

Dr. Albert Gr"af
Computer Music Research Group, JGU Mainz, Germany
Email:  aggraef at gmail.com
WWW:    https://plus.google.com/+AlbertGraef

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