[L2Ork-dev] Contributing to new GUI improvement?
Marco Donnarumma
lists at marcodonnarumma.com
Mon Dec 18 10:32:11 UTC 2017
Hi all,
first, congratulations on the massive effort you're putting in Purr Data!
Great job. I know I'm quite late to the party, but well, better later than
Being myself a webdesigner and thus expert in html and css, as well as
familiar with nw, I wondered if I would be able to contribute somehow to
the improvements to the new Purr GUI.
Where in the Purr source should I look first to get an understanding of how
the new gui works and how it can be improved?
For instance, something basic that I'd like to achieve is a small public
library of new animated gui sliders and gui buttons with embedded preset
saving. I already did this in the form of pd objects years ago - for my XTH
Sense project - and I'm curious to see if I could re-implement it with the
new nw gui, and if it would be faster.
I'm aware this seems not to be among your priorities (at least from the
read me on Albert github), nevertheless would like to hear your opinion.
thank you,
Marco Donnarumma, Ph.D.
*Performing bodies, sound and machinesUniversität der Künste Berlin*
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