[L2Ork-dev] A new guy looking to contribute
Jonathan Wilkes
jancsika at yahoo.com
Sat Aug 19 18:30:31 UTC 2017
> Welcome to the community, Joe. I am glad to hear you are enjoying this project and are willing to contribute. There are plenty of opportunities to do so and based on your expertise I already have a few ideas in mind. Jonathan may have some additional ones, as well. Most immediately, we are trying to port the K-12 module that is available Pd-l2ork 1.0, but has not yet been ported into 2.x, a.k.a. Purr-Data. Once ported, it would be wonderful to further expand the library of K-12 objects which are essentially a collection of abstractions. Once Jonathan shares his ideas please let us know what you may be most interested to begin with and we'll take it from there.
Since Joe is familiar with graphics tools, one place to start might be the first part of this issue:
Basically just changing out the old Pd-extended icon for a Purr Data icon like the one found here:
Although that graphic could use some improvement, too, because it looks like the bottom of the mouth got cut off.
The full cat body is here:https://git.purrdata.net/jwilkes/purr-data/blob/master/pd/doc/about/cat/CatChar_Walk-South_0000.png
I can handle the second part of that issue regarding the inno setup file.
So the steps would be something like this:
1. Clone the Purr Data repo2. Create a "feature branch" for changing the icon
3. Change packages/win32_inno/pd.ico to be the little cat head.4. Possibly improve pd/nw/purr.png, too.5. `git add` the changed files.
6. `git commit` with a short message describing that change.5. Push to your fork.
6. Make a merge request.
Of course this is a very small, rather insignificant issue. But it's fairly self-contained and doesn't even require
building the software. At the same time it takes you through one development cycle.
> Apropos contributing, if there is anybody else on this mailing list who might be interested in assisting and contributing to the project, please do not hesitate to contact us. Thank you.
> Best,
> Ico
Ivica Ico Bukvic, D.M.A.
Associate Professor
Computer Music
ICAT Senior Fellow
Director -- DISIS, L2Ork
Virginia Tech
School of Performing Arts – 0141
Blacksburg, VA 24061
(540) 231-6139
ico at vt.edu
On Aug 19, 2017 13:07, "th8a" <th8a at bluetownsyndicate.com> wrote:
Hello all,
My name is Joe Fabio (aka th8a,) and I am fairly new to the dev community. Of all the projects that I would like to be involved in, this one is at the top of my list. I would be honored if you guys had some use for me and started pointing me to tasks that I could do to help out.
The skills in which I am of a professional level of ability are in music production and music performance
https://soundcloud.com/th8a - my personal soundcloud page
https://soundcloud.com/th8amon k - my public soundcloud page ran by my management.
I am a self taught software developer and electronics engineer. Due to a lack of formal education, there are likely some gaps in my knowledge in programming, but I am still fairly capable of writing code and have a working understanding of programming and programming languages.
That said, my first language was Max MSP, with which i was obsessed until I boycotted Apple and took the plunge into running my entire digital life in linux with an effort to be as free and open as possible, while remaining a functional professional in music. Naturally, after the switch, I picked up puredata and am now obsessed with it. I can patch some pretty intricate designs, which tend to look and function like full blown standalone apps by the time I'm through. I take to MSP like a fish in water, and for audio and midi side of puredata, I'm pretty confident in my abilities.
I am also capable of graphic design, formerly a nerd of Photoshop and Illustrator, now with GIMP and Krita, so I am good with designing UI elements like buttons, toggles, sliders and other elements of an applications aesthetics.
I also have experience teaching (former Apple 'creative', Beginning through advanced music production in Logic Pro @ Garnish music academy, Los Angeles.) So I would be happy to help out in creating help patches, tutorials etc.
My main motivation for being part of this project is to learn and expand on my abilities as a programmer/developer so that I can help make PD the best it can be and create tools for musicians, students and developers to use and enjoy while creating music.
If there is any task that needs to be done that my set of skills can accomplish, please feel free to let me know. If there is something with that would require that I tackle a learning curve, I am eager to learn.
Thank you all for your work in carrying the torch forward in developing what is probably my favorite program in the known universe.
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