[L2Ork-dev] gui port

Jonathan Wilkes jancsika at yahoo.com
Thu Jun 23 16:39:25 UTC 2016

Ok, I'll take a look later and clean it up.
Btw-- I haven't gotten flext to successfully build on either OSX or Windows.  That's one of the reasons I'd like to drop it as a dependency.

    On Thursday, June 23, 2016 12:33 PM, Albert Graef <aggraef at gmail.com> wrote:

 Actually, this is an older commit, but still the binaries shouldn't be in the repo.

On Thu, Jun 23, 2016 at 2:01 PM, Albert Graef <aggraef at gmail.com> wrote:

Hi Jonathan, after your most recent update there are now two additional folders with binaries in your repo (apparently leftovers from a previous build), can you please remove these again?


On Wed, Jun 22, 2016 at 3:15 AM, Jonathan Wilkes <jancsika at yahoo.com> wrote:

Hm... scratch that-- I just synced the libs that had missing files with 
Pd-l2ork.  I probably missed a commit or two somewhere.
Hopefully that will fix the flite issue.
Rebuilding now...


    On Tuesday, June 21, 2016 8:43 PM, Jonathan Wilkes <jancsika at yahoo.com> wrote:

 Ok, for flite I get the barf below.  I have no idea how to debug this because 
moocow's build system is incomprehensible to me.
The bug ostensibly gets triggered by this call to run configure:(cd ../flite && sh ./configure CFLAGS="-DPD -I/home/user/purr-data/pd/src -Wall -W -ggdb -I/home/user/purr-data/Gem/src -I/home/user/purr-data/externals/pdp/include -DUNIX -Dunix -DDL_OPEN -fPIC -O2 -I/sw/include" LDFLAGS=" -L/home/user/purr-data/pd/src -L/home/user/purr-data/pd/bin -L/home/user/purr-data/pd/obj -L/sw/lib" --with-pd-include="/home/user/purr-data/pd/src" --with-pd-dir="/home/user/purr-data/externals/moocow/extended/build.moo" --disable-dependency-tracking  && make clean) || echo "(MOOCOW) Warning: sub-target failed: 'flite.configure_stamp'"

But if I navigate to "moocow" after the failure there is no "configure" script.  It's 
Any clues?
Relevant error from the build below:[...]
urr-data/Gem/src -I/home/user/purr-data/externals/pdp/include -DUNIX -Dunix -DDL_OPEN -I/sw/include -I/home/user/purr-data/pd/src -I/home/user/purr-data/pd/src -DPIC"
configure: set EXTRA_CPPFLAGS=""
configure: set         CFLAGS="-Wall -W -ggdb -fPIC -O2 -fPIC"
configure: set        LDFLAGS="-L/home/user/purr-data/pd/src -L/home/user/purr-data/pd/bin -L/home/user/purr-data/pd/obj -L/sw/lib -Wl,-export-dynamic -shared"
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating config/Makefile
gawk: ./confC3jrYM/subs.awk:106:   FS = "
gawk: ./confC3jrYM/subs.awk:106:        ^ unterminated string
gawk: ./confC3jrYM/subs.awk:106:   FS = "
gawk: ./confC3jrYM/subs.awk:106:        ^ syntax error
config.status: error: could not create config/Makefile
(MOOCOW) Warning: sub-target failed: 'flite.configure_stamp'
touch flite.configure_stamp
make DESTDIR="" -C ../flite all install || echo "(MOOCOW) Warning: sub-target failed: 'flite.build_stamp'"
make[4]: Entering directory `/home/user/purr-data/externals/mooc

    On Tuesday, June 21, 2016 6:00 PM, Jonathan Wilkes <jancsika at yahoo.com> wrote:


    > On Tuesday, June 21, 2016 5:49 PM, Albert Graef <aggraef at gmail.com> wrote:

 > On Tue, Jun 21, 2016 at 4:02 AM, Jonathan Wilkes <jancsika at yahoo.com> 
> wrote:
In this process I've been extremely cautious about doing anything whatsoever 
to the build scripts.  It's the most brittle thing I've ever seen, and after more 
than six months I still don't have a mental model of how it works.

> Well, the stuff which does most of the heavy dispatching is in tar_em_up.sh, 
> packages/linux_make/Makefile and externals/Makefile, AFAICT. This could 
> really be tidied up a bit some time, but as it works, I don't consider this a high 
> priority.
There is also packages/Makefile and packages/Makefile.buildlayout.  Plus 
the miXed build nest is incomprehensible.
I agree none of that is a priority.
However, there is one thing-- I ported cyclone/Scope~.c, which uses the new 
gui API that isn't in normal Pd-l2ork.  What's the best way to handle that?

Someone on the nw.js group said they were working on a ppa a few months 
back, but I haven't heard anything else about it.

> They probably read the Ubuntu packaging guide and instantly became Arch 
> converts. :) Seriously, Debian packaging is getting old-school and horribly 
> bloated. It's a breeze for end users and a royal pita for maintainers. Arch's 
> pacman is the other way round, :) but fortunately there are nice frontends like 
> Manjaro's pamac to make it usable for Arch noobs.
Actually, I'm using pacman to build on Windows-- see the build instructions 
in README.md.

If packaging nw.js is something you'd like to investigate further, please do.  

> There are better things I can do to waste my time, thank you. :) My idea is to 
> just include the binary nw.js tarballs with the Debian source package and be 
> done with it. I vaguely recall that there are ways to do this, but it's been a 
> while I needed this, so I just need some time to get this sorted out.
That sounds good to me.

> Meanwhile, I modified my Arch PKGBUILD for pd-l2ork so that it works with 
> purr-data. The build goes through fine now, but I noticed that just a few 
> externals and help patches have gone missing in purr-data (see attached 
> purr-missing-externals.diff). Did you exclude these on purpose, or do I need to 
> go digging why these don't get included?
I'll investigate...
It's available-- go to git.purrdata.net and click "all".

> Ah yes, thanks! Still need to find my way around on GitLab. :)


Dr. Albert Gr"af
Computer Music Research Group, JGU Mainz, Germany
Email:  aggraef at gmail.com
WWW:    https://plus.google.com/+AlbertGraef




Dr. Albert Gr"af
Computer Music Research Group, JGU Mainz, Germany
Email:  aggraef at gmail.com
WWW:    https://plus.google.com/+AlbertGraef

Dr. Albert Gr"af
Computer Music Research Group, JGU Mainz, Germany
Email:  aggraef at gmail.com
WWW:    https://plus.google.com/+AlbertGraef

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