[L2Ork-dev] Linuxaudio.org server migration

Ivica Ico Bukvic ico at vt.edu
Wed Jan 27 18:18:14 UTC 2016


The migration should be now complete. Please let us know if you 
encounter any problems.



On 1/26/2016 11:12 PM, Ivica Ico Bukvic wrote:
> All,
> As some of you may be already aware, this past December I was notified 
> our current virtual server that hosts a broad array of outreach 
> services, including these mailing lists, will be decommissioned at the 
> end of this month. Since, I've been working on securing the 
> infrastructure and ongoing support onto a brand new physical blade. I 
> am pleased to report we are at the very end of what has proven to be a 
> fairly intense journey (needless to mention I learned a lot more than 
> I ever wanted to about sysadmin). Our new setup is considerably more 
> powerful and I am confident it will offer a significant improvement in 
> performance over the old one. As we enter the final stage in the 
> porting process, there will be a brief downtime tentatively scheduled 
> for 11am Eastern Time (East US Coast) tomorrow, Wednesday, January 
> 27th. During this time, you will experience inability to access hosted 
> services, including web and mailing lists. My intent is to have the 
> transition complete as quickly as we can do the final rsync and IP 
> address reconfiguration. I will let you know as soon as we've 
> completed this final step. Thank you for your support and understanding.
> Best,

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