[L2Ork-dev] L2ork and new vanilla features (Alexandre Torres Porres)

Alexandre Torres Porres porres at gmail.com
Wed Apr 6 14:47:19 UTC 2016

One thing I'll beg not to change and incorporate from vanilla is the
overwritting of internal and external objects! This introduces issues when
loading uncompatible cyclone externals that overwrite internal objects.
Seems pd-l2ork maintains the way things were in extended, where internals
were never overwritten and you can specify externals with path, such as

On a parallel matter, it'd be great to include a feature where you could
specify if you are loading an external from one library or another - this
seems impossible now.


2016-04-06 8:56 GMT-03:00 Liam Goodacre <liamg_uw at hotmail.com>:

> Thanks for the positive response.
> There are basic change logs for individual releases here:
> https://puredata.info/downloads/pure-data/releases
> Besides the ones mentioned already (bob~, text, array, "tempo"), I can see:
>    - oscparse
>    - oscformat
>    - changes to netsend, netreceive and pd~
> I hear rumours that 0.47 is coming out soon, so it might be wise to wait
> and see what's new there as well. The [array] help-file promises more
> compatibility with data structures.
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