LyonPotpourri 3.0 for
Download it here: LyonPotpourri 3.0 [8.7 MB]
Download a version for the 64-bit compile of Pd here:
LyonPotpourri 3.0 64-bit [2.4 MB]
Object Listing
adsr~ a simple ADSR envelope that can be click triggered
arrayfilt~ fft-based filtering by drawing into an array
bashfest~ a click driven buffer player with randomized DSP
buffet~ provides operations on a stored buffer
bvplay~ selective playback from a stored buffer with enveloping and increment control
cartopol~ convert a spectral frame from cartesian to polar form
channel~ access to a precise address in the signal vector
chopper~ munging loop playback from a buffer
clean_selector~ like selector~ but crossfades when switching channels
click~ converts a bang to a click
click2float~ translates a signal click to a float message
clickhold~ sample and hold a click
convolver~ non-real-time convolution with impulses of arbitrary size
distortion~ lookup function distortion
dmach~ pattern based sample accurate drum machine prototype
expflam~ converts a click to an exponential flam click pattern
flanjah~ simple flanger
granola~ granular pitch scaling
granulesf~ granular synthesis module reading from a soundfile in a buffer
granule~ granular synthesis module reading from a stored waveform in a buffer
greater~ compares two signals on a per-sample basis
kbuffer~ low sampling rate buffer to capture gestures
killdc~ DC block filter
latch~ sustain an incoming click with sample-accurate timing
magfreq_analysis~ transforms a time domain signal to a magnitude/frequency spectrum
markov~ implements a first order Markov chain
mask~ a click driven pattern sequencer
npan~ power-panning to an arbitrary number of output channels
oscil~ oscillator with flexible waveform specification
phasemod~ phase modulated waveform
player~ click driven buffer player that can sustain multiple iterations
poltocar~ convert spectral frames from polar to complex representation
pulser~ pulse wave generated by additive synthesis
quadpan~ pan an incoming sound within a quadraphonic plane
rotapan~ rotate an array of input channels to the same number of output channels
rtrig~ generates random click triggers
samm~ sample accurate multiple metronomes, with click signal articulation
sarec~ sample accurate recording
sel~ sample accurate implementation of the sel algorithm
shoehorn~ collapse from a larger number to a smaller number of audio channels
sigseq~ signal level numerical sequencer
splitbank~ split an incoming sound into complementary, independently tunable spectra
splitspec~ split an incoming sound into complementary spectra
squash~ implementation of a compression algorithm by Chris Penrose
stutter~ a basic buffer stuttering player
vdb~ a delay line using an array for storage (no vector limit on feedback delaytime)
vdp~ a delay line with feedback
vecdex~ outputs the sample index within the current signal vector
waveshape~ a Chebychev function lookup waveshaper
windowvec~ apply a Hann window to the input signal vector
These externals are free and open source, covered by the
MIT Licence.